Special note for MAYS, MAYES and related spellings
Step by Step Instructions for Participating in the MAY Family Reconstruction Project
May Family Reconstruction Project FAQ
New! Check us out on facebook
Also we have a new fb page for May researchers interested in autosomal DNA research
May surname Autosomal DNA information exchange
Dear Project Members,
Family Tree DNA changed some of the privacy settings on kits, and your setting may have been downgraded. That’s easy to change. Please check to see if your Project Preferences are set to at least “Limited,” and if not, please change them. This article by blogger and long-time group project administrator Roberta Estes details the changes and provides step-by-step instructions on how to view and change your settings.
Without at least Limited access, assisting you with your results and correlating your information with that of the rest of the project is nearly impossible.
2. Please also be sure that you’ve opted in to project sharing so that your Y-DNA and mtDNA results can be shown in the public-facing portion of the project. (There is currently no public interface for Family Finder tests.) No contact information is displayed: just your kit number and your Earliest Known Ancestor.
Genetic genealogy is about collaboration and sharing, and projects function as “cousin bait,” encouraging people to test. More testers mean more potential matches. Instructions for opting in to public sharing are in the same article.
If you have already set the privacy levels to “Limited” or “Advanced” for the administrators of the groups in which you are enrolled, and you have opted to share your DNA results then no need to do anything. Please take a few minutes to log on and confirm the settings are correct and if you need assistance, let us know or contact the Group Projects team at FamilyTreeDNA by choosing the "Group" option on the Contact Form.
In 2001 we launched a project to use DNA analysis to “reconstruct” the MAY/MAYS/MAYES
(and other spellings) families. Please consider if would like you to participate.
If you are not a MAY family researcher but know of one, please let them know
about this site.
Our ancestors were pioneers and so are we. The MAY family project is
one of the first 50 Y DNA surname studies in the world as collected by researcher
of DNA researchers Chris Pomery. Almost as good as being on the Mayflower.
Check out his site Chris's
site for much interesting information on the use of DNA for genealogical
And like being on the Mayflower, we don't know what we will find, but the journey
promises excitement and the possiblity of great new discoveries.
This study is being coordinated by two MAY researchers, J Mark May and Enrique
B. May,. We would welcome others to help us coordinate the study.
If you would like to help take part in this study using this fascinating new
technology, your help would be very welcome.
Any questions? You can contact us for more information.
Mark May
B. May
Is your surname MAYS, MAYES or a similar spelling? We have co-administrators working on these spellings of the surname. Contact
Joe Chandler Selena
DuLac or Tracy Knauss
We have selected Family Tree DNA, one of the most prominent research firms in this field to be our supplier. Members of this project get a discount on their testing from FTDNA.To qualify for this price the order must be placed through their web site. You fill out a few simple fields and they mail out the kit, you return the sample with payment.
To join the study go to this link FTDNA SIGN UP (http://www.familytreedna.com/surname_join.asp?code=W82437) and you will automatically receive our special discount price.
If you are having difficulties joining please contact me. Just email me Mark May
As our data base expands we will post the results on this web site to include
families with known common MAY ancestors along with their genealogies and the
email addresses of MAY family researchers from each family. This will
facilitate collaboration and research among all participating families. Please
email one of the coordinators after you have placed your order so we can start
to collect your family tree for inclusion in this web site.
We encourage all MAY researchers to join us in this study. The results
will greatly increase our knowledge of our families, and give us clues for expanding
our research.
As of March 17, 2006 we have new co-administrators in the study who are concentrating on recruiting families with the surname MAYS, MAYES and related spellings. Please feel free to contact them for more information about their part of this project.
Joe Chandler Selena DuLac or Tracy Knauss
Also see the following website maintained by Selena DuLac
Go to http://www.familytreedna.com/surname_join.asp?code=W82437
and fill out the fields.
We recommend the 111 marker test to avoid many false positives.
Family Tree DNA will send you a sample collection kit. Take your sample
following the supplied directions and return it to Family Tree DNA using regular
mail. Enclose your payment by check or money or they also take credit
Very important! In the sample kit you will find a release document authorizing
Family Tree DNA to use the sample for genealogical testing. This form
must be signed and returned for your sample to be used in the study.
When your sample is sent, email one of the study coordinators and let them
know. We will contact you to collect certain genealogical information
for use in the study and to put on this web site (with your permission of course.)
If you are collecting a sample for someone other than yourself, use your own
address, email, etc, collect the sample and return it with your payment. Make
sure the subject being tested signs the release form.
If somehow you want to participate but do not have a computer to enter your
order, you may send by regular mail the above information.. Mail to:
Family Tree DNA
Genealogy by Genetics, Ltd.
1919 North Loop West, Suite 110
Houston, Texas 77008, USA
Phone: (713) 828-4200
Fax: (713) 868-4584
That’s it! Couldn’t be any simpler. Thank you for participating.
We are getting a lot of interest in our MAY family reconstruction project, but
many questions as well. Below are some further explanations and FAQ on the MAY
family DNA reconstruction project.
Q. Which test should I order?
A. The answer to this question has changed over the past couple of years. I am now recommending, and most DNA researchers agree, that if affordable testees should go straight to the 111 marker test. Right now we are recommending an upgrade to the 111 marker test for anyone with unexpected matches at the 37 or 67 marker level.
Q. I joined the study to see if my MAY ancestors match up to others. But now I keep getting emails from people with all kinds of different names saying we have DNA that matches. What is going on?
A. It is possible to have a 37/37 match with another person without having a recent common ancestor. Conventional wisdom (which is changing all the time in this new field) says that on average two people with a 37/37 match have a common ancestor in the past 500 years, but it is still possible but less likely back to 1000 years ago. If the two people share the same surname and can find a common geographic origin, then a 37/37 match is much more signifigant. With different surnames a37/37 match could just mean common ancestry in a time before surnames were generally in use, or even just mere coincidence, particularly if you have a common haplotype. Two different haplotypes can "drift" towards each other over long periods.
However, notifications of a close match on a 37 or higher marker test are still noteworthy. These matches while still possibly coincidental should make researchers pay attention, because they may have real signifigance.
Q. My maiden name is MAY and I would love to have this
information, but I am female and have no brothers
and my father has passed on now. There are
no living males with surname MAY in my family, only male cousins named
MAY, some quite distantly related.
A. Your male cousins probably have the same Y DNA as your father and his male ancestors with surname MAY. Testing your cousins is the same as testing your late father if they are the natural children of your MAY ancestors. That is because the Y chromosome passes unchanged from father to son apart from random mutations. So if your father and your cousins have any known common ancestor, even back to your 4th great grandfather or beyond, the DNA sample should be the same as testing your father, give or take a mutation or two.
Q. There is an ancestor named MAY in my line, but no living males. Can I be tested?
A. Not as part of this project. But see at the top of the page for a fb site dedicated to autosomal testing for those with MAY ancestors but no living males to be tested for their Y DNA.
Q. There is only one living male person surname MAY in
my family. Is there any point joining the study
if I don’t have two or three family members who
are MAY surname males?
A.Yes, there is potentially value for you to join the study. The reason
for testing two or three distantly related cousins is that this “validates”
the family at least back to the known common ancestor. A single test could provide
incorrect data for the family if there is an unknown adoption or a false paternity
somewhere back in the past. If you alone take the test and it matches
others in the study, you will have learned that your branch of the MAY family
is related to theirs, with little doubt. If it does not match and you
cannot find any cousin to test to validate the result, at least your sample
will sit there in the database until sometime in the future a match is secured.
Q. My male MAY cousins don’t care a thing about family
history. They won’t pay for this. And they
don’t have computers.
A. There is no rule that says the person ordering and paying for the test must
be the person being tested. If your cousins will consent to doing this
simple, painless test, you can order the kits on line and then send them to
your cousins, and return them with your own payment. Some of the other family
reconstruction projects have multiple researchers in the same family line that
have split the cost of testing male cousins who have no interest in our hobby.
Q. I already know my MAY family comes from somewhere
in Germany. What are we going to learn from
doing this that is new?
A. First of all, you may discover many MAY families that are your cousins that
you did not know about before. They may have new information and family
histories that will be useful to you, and you will know they are your relatives
with little or no doubt. A couple of families named MAY side by side in
the census could be brothers, or could be coincidence. But DNA is proof.
Second, as the study expands over time, you may discover the exact village where
your ancestors came from in Germany, possibly even Church records that take
you back hundreds of years.
Q. We think our name was originally not MAY. Is
this only for people with the exact spelling MAY?
A. No, this study is for anyone with surname MAY or any variant. We realize
that MAY in many cases is derived from other surnames, many of which we may
be unable to imagine in German, French, Spanish, Scandinavian and other languages.
That is one reason to do the test, it will get us away from modern spellings
to look at actual paternal ancestry. Various modern MAY families can be
linked ultimately to the different spellings of the name in their countries
of origin. In addition, as more families take the test, we will be notified
if our sample matches another sample, no matter what the surname.
Q. All it takes is one break a long time ago and you
won’t be able to match up a whole line of MAYs.
You will never be able to put all the MAYs together.
A. That is very likely true, but the purpose of this is to help different
MAY families link up to further their genealogical research. Even if long ago
a Mr. MAY adopted a boy whose natural father was Mr. JOHNSON, all his male descendents
will still be with a common ancestor, which may prove useful. Also, if someday
a JOHNSON has a test done, we may find that match as well!
Q. I just don’t understand all this DNA and genetics.
Can someone explain it to me in simple language?
A. I am not an expert, but if you are trying to understand how this project
could help you but don’t understand it well enough, you may contact me directly
and I will do my best to help. J Mark May
1A. FTDNA kits 1279 and 1321. The MAY family of Canada
ca 1800 and Franklin CO AL ca 1820-1870, descendents of Samuel Watson MAY b.
1838 in AL (father born in Canada) and his uncle Charles MAY born ca 1805
in Canada to AL and TX. Family 1. has results from Jim MAY and J Mark
MAY. Their Y DNA is an exact match on 25/25 test. This validates this branch of
the MAYs at least back to Samuel Watson MAY born 1838.
Researchers: J Mark May, Jim May, Leona May
Also check out here the web site for info on descendents of Charles MAY of Canada, AL and TX
A test has been arranged by the above researchers of a descendent of Andrew J MAY, believed to be the brother of Samuel Watson MAY. Surprising result: this test proves that A J MAY and S W MAY had different fathers, and also proves that this previously unmatched family 28 is descended from Andrew Jackson MAY. (see family 47.)
2. FTDNA kit 1518. The MAY family descendents of John MAY, Sr., b. c1710 in VA, d. c1800 in Anson Co., NC; Phillip MAY, Sr., b. c1732 in VA, d. 1803 in Edgefield Co., SC; James MAY, b. c1770 in VA, d. 1851 in Crawford Co., GA; Claiborne B. MAY, b. c1798 in SC, d. c1865 in Greene Co., AL; Jacob N. MAY, b. c1822 in AL, d. 1873 in Coosa Co., AL - Scots or Scots-Irish 37/37 to family 395, 36/37 (7A) (35) (40) (41) (60) (78) (116) (121) (129) (181) ; 35/37 (30) (225) (402); 25/25 (41); 24/25 (7A) (35) (42) (78); 23/25 (4B) (7B) . Also 34/37 to family 281, 340 and 355. This is HG 1 (R1b) Also 35/37 to family 240, and 34/37 to family 296.
Researcher: Imogene May Boswell
3. The MAY family descendents of George MAY of Brock's Gap, Rockingham County, VA b. 1755. Thought to be German origins. This family has been validated with two distant cousins descended from different brothers who were sons of George MAY. Their results on a 37 marker test show one mutation. This is from six transmission events for one testee and seven transmission events for the other testee. This is HG 1. They are 34/37 and 35/37 to family 64 who are not thought to be of German origins. Enrique is testee 1 (FTDNA kit 1596) and Keith is testee 2 (FTDNA kit 3227). This family is 12/12 to family 160 for Enrique and 11/12 for Keith. Also 103/111 to family180. Also 37/37 for Keith to family 196 and 36/37 for Enrique to family 196. Keith is 25/25 to family 246 and Enrique is 63/67 to family 246. Also testee 1 is 108/111 to family 363 and 107/111 to family 297, and testee 2 is 110/111 to family 363 and 109/111 to family 297. Also 64/67 to family 349 for testee 2, and 62/67 for family 3 testtee 1. Also testee 1 is 35/37 to family 363 and 373 and 36/37 to 348, and testee 2 is 36/37 to family 363 and 373 and 37/37 to family 348..
Researchers: Enrique May
Keith May
4A. FTDNA kit 1510.William MAY, Sr., "the Planter" b. c1720, d. 1774 in Chatham Co., NC. He m. Lucy _____. Their son was William MAY the Carpenter, b. c1741 in VA, d. 1807 in Pendleton Co., SC. He m. Lucy DAVIS. She was b. bef. 1755 in VA, d. 1828 in Greene Co., AL. English or Scotch Irish. Results are in. No match so far for testee number one. Closest match to others in the study is 27/37. This is HG 1. Surprising result. Families 4A and 4B are unrelated genetically being 17/25.
Researchers: Mary Ellen May
4B. MAY family descended from William MAY, Sr., b. c1720 in VA, d. 1774 in Chatham Co., NC. He m. Lucy _____. Their son was William MAY the Carpenter, b. c1741 in VA, d. 1807 in Pendleton Co., SC. He m. Lucy DAVIS. She was b. bef. 1755 in VA, d. 1828 in Greene Co., AL. Their son was Daniel MAY, b. 1779, d. c1834 in Anson Co., NC; Daniel MAY, b. 1822 in Anson Co., NC, d. 1888 in Robeson Co., NC; Daniel MAY, Jr., b. 1872, d. 1953 in Elbert Co., GA. Scots or Scots-Irish - 23/25 (7A) (35) (40) (60) (78); 22/25 (2) (4B) (30) (41); 21/25 (7B). This family is 35/37 to family 402, and 34/37 to families 40, 60, 78, and 214.
Researcher Dan S May
5. Researcher: John May Email link does not work. Test kit not returned.
6. The May family descended from Etienne Mai of Lacadie, Quebec, Canada. This family's surname was changed within 1 generation to May. The researcher has documentation that 3 of his 4 children were born in Quebec, the oldest showing his birthplace as 'London' - the researcher assumes England. The first child (his namesake) was born 1801 the researcher assumes Etienne's birth date would be around 1780. He was married to Isabelle Sherman (Cherman) who was noted to be from Acadia. The researcher is not sure if her May ancestors were Loyalists but thinks it is a distinct possibility. Direct descendants made their way to the Detroit area and eventually settled in across the river in Canada - Maidstone Twp, Essex County. Results are in, no close matches at this time. This testee has a 67 marker test.
Researcher: Sharron May Powers.
7A. The MAYs of VA and Anson County NC descendents of John MAY, b. c1710 in VA, d. c1800 in Anson Co., NC; William MAY the Sheriff, b. c1739 in Anson Co., NC, d. 1796 in Anson Co., NC; John C. MAY, b. 1772 in Anson Co., NC, d. 1843 in Madison Co., TN; Phillip M. MAY, b. c1809 in TN, 1850-60 in Caddo Parish, LA; Newett N. D. MAY, b. c1836 in MS, 1864-70 in ?TX - Scots or Scots-Irish - 37/37 (35) (40) (60) (78) (129) (181); 36/37 (2) (84) (116) (121) (317) (395) (402); 24/25 (30) (41) (42); 23/25 (4B) (7B) and 35/37 to family 214 and 296 and 340, and 36/37 to family 240. Also 34/37 to family 281. Also 33/37 to family 282.
Researcher Stan MAY (FTDNA kit 1710)
7B. The MAY family also descended from the above John MAY, b. c1710 in ?VA, d. c1800 in Anson Co., NC; William MAY the Sheriff, b. c1739 in VA, d. 1796 in Anson Co., NC; John C. MAY, b. 1772 in VA, d. 1843 in Madison Co., TN; John C. MAY, Jr., b. 1812 in TN, d. 1863 in Crittenden Co., AR; John P. MAY, b. 1844 in Madison Co., TN, d. 1901 in Cross Co., AR - Scots or Scots-Irish - 23/25 (7A) (35) (40) (42) (60) (78); 22/25 (2) (41). This family is 34/37 to three of these families, 35, 40, and 78. It is 35/37 to family 84 and 33/37 to family 240 and 281.
Researchers Charles Scott MAY
8. FTDNA kit 1715. The MAYs of Rowan County NC ca 1750 descendents of Martin MAY. This family is 37/37 to families 70, 233, and 243 and 25/25 to family 261. This is HG 1.
Researcher Ralph "Buddy" MAY
9. The MAYs of Ashe County NC descendents of Jacob MAY, thought to be of German descent. The MAY family descended from Jacob (Johann?) and Ann Margaret [?] May. Jacob was supposedly born in Germany in 1730. He was married to Ann Margaret last name unknown probably in Germany sometime before the birth of their first child in 1762. Researcher Alvin MAY descends from son Abraham. Researcher Denny MAY descends from son William. (Other sons were Jacob, and David.) William was born in 1768 in Randloph Co, VA (now part of WV). His wife Sarah Steele was born in 1775 in MD. They were married in 1792 in NC. This family is validated, the two researchers match 12/12. This family also matches 12/12 and 25/25 with Family 54 and testee 2 matches 37/37 to family 131, family 222 and 235 and 35/37 to family 191 and 371. This is HG I, with many exact and 1 step off matches in the ethnic origins data base for Nordic countries. Testee 2 now has a 111 marker test completed and is 109/111 to family 280 and to family 222, and 66/67 to family 291 and 61/67 to family 356.
Researchers Alvin MAY (testee 2, FTDNA kit 1572) and Denny MAY (testee 1)
11. FTDNA kit 1963. The MAY family of Craddock H. MAY b. About 1790 in Wake CO North Carolina, in Sumner Co., Tennessee by about 1796. Craddock MAY is the probable son of Thomas and Elizabeth [ROPER] MAY. This family is 24/25 to family 45, 58, 74 and 83 and 23/25 to family 67. This family is null 439 so we know it is related in recent times to families 45, 58, 67, 74 and 86. See below under "Haplogroups and the finer points of analyzing the numbers" for additional information.
Researcher Brandt May
12. FTDNA kit 2399. The MAY family of William MAY and Penelope (STALLINGS) MAY of Franklin CO NC circa 1755, and his son William MAY and wife Leacy BOON moved to Giles County, TN, around 1834. This family shows a 25/25 match with families 32, 39, 77 and 89 and 24/25 to family 49, and 36/37 to family 204 and 35/37 to families 109, 157 and 293 and 66/67 to family 303 and 315, 65/67 to family 50, 256, 384 and 390, and 64/67 to family 62 and 338 and 66/67 to family 257. Also 34/37 to family 12. Also 64/67 to family 262 and 365. Also 62/67 to family 287. Also 34/37 to family 286, and 33/37 to family 369.
Researcher Patricia May Touw
13. FTDNA kit 3127. The MAY family, descendents of David Phillip MAY, born 1842 in Fayette CO AL No matches so far. This is HG 2.
Researcher Bruce May
14. FTDNA kit 3184. The MAY family, descendents of William Carroll MAY SR of Virginia b. ca. 1774 . This family is an exact 25/25 match to Family 26 and 150, a 24/25 match to family 51 and 57, a 23/25 match to family 65 and 82. Also 23/25 to families 275 and 276.
Researcher Shirley Ann MAY
15. FTDNA kit 3803. The MAY family of Hans Peter MEY, born c1540 in Germany. Results are in for a 25 marker test.. No exact match so far, but only one mutation off Families 25 testee 2, 31, and 171.
16. FTDNA kit 3727. The MAY family of James Warren May, born Jan 23, 1852, Iowa. He and a sister were captured by Indians as children, and he never knew anything about his family. Results are in and his ancestral family has been located. This is a 24/25 match to Family 55.
Researcher Bobby MAY
17.FTDNA kit 4708. The MAY family, descendents of William MAY, born c. 1730 in Bute CO NC, thought to be of English descent. This family shows a 12/12 match with seven other families.
Researcher Novella Wilson
18. FTDNA kit 5138. The MAY family, descended from Bernhard May born 18 Sep 1718 in Ettlingenweier, Germany. His wife was Anna Maria Mayer born in Erzbach, Germany. They moved to Hódság (now Odzaci, Serbia, Yugoslavia) in the mid to late 1700's where the family stayed right up to WW II. Nearest match is 18/25 with one testee in family 19. Also 26/37 to families 170 and 177. This is HG 1. There is a 67 marker test with the nearest match a distance of 22.
Researcher Rita May Lee
19. The MAY family descended from Jehu May born in Mississippi 1817. Researchers of this line claim Jehu is the illegitimate son of Etheldred May who was the son of Joseph May (1732-1829) that settled in Amite County, MS. in about 1803. Joseph was born in VA or SC. His second wife and mother of Etheldred MAY was Jane McLAIN. He is believed to be Scotch Irish descent. Norman is a known descendent of Joseph MAY and Don is a proven descendent of Jehu. Because the two testees show a 25/25 match, this genealogical claim seems to be proven. Researcher Kenneth is also a descendent of Joseph and Etheldred and is two mutations off the other researchers on a 25 marker test. Surprising result. This family matches exactly family 20, not previously known to be related. It is now postulated that Joseph was the son of John MAY who died c1785 in Richmond Co., GA. This is also a 24/25 match to family 24A and 24B. See also Family 59, 130, 176 and 208.
Researchers Don May (FTDNA kit 5102) is testee 1 and Norman C May(FTDNA kit 2960) and Kenneth Nathaniel May
Family 19 testee 1 is 36/37 to family 268, 35/37 to families 24B, 176, 208 and 255, and 33/37 to family 59.
20. The MAY family of Morris M. May Sr. born in Wilkes Co. Ga. b.1792 d. 1877 in Gonzales Co. TX. It is now known Morris M. May Sr. had three wives. 1st. is unknown but she had a son for Morris born February 1824. His name was George Harrison Grovesnor( GHG) May. Apparently she died as did two younger sons. 2nd. He married Elizabeth Lutherell 03 Aug. 1831. It is thought she died of childbirth as did the child, year unknown. Next; 3rd. he married Phoebe Wyatt on 11 July 1837 and they were married until his death in 1877. Morris and Phoebe are the parents of the researchers' ancestor Albert Gallatin May, who was the father of William Jefferson May. Possible that Morris was the son of Simon Beckham May son of John May; both came from Edinburgh, Scotland. John MAY died c1785 in Richmond Co., GA. This family is an exact match to one researcher in family 19 on the expanded 25 marker test, not previously known to be related. It is also a 24/25 match to Family 24A and Family 24B and family 208, and see also Family 59, and 176 where there is a 35/37 match. Also see family 130.
Researchers Joyce May Kepler and Michael Stayton Kepler
21. The MAY family of Jacob May, b. abt. 1796 (probably in TN), d. 21 Feb., 1843. Married to Harriett in 1818. His son was Issac Julen May, b. 4 Mar. 1821, TN, Married Elizabeth Hentz, 1 April, 1851, Lawrence County, IL. This family matches family 27, 158 and 53 25/25 and families 33, and 46 24/25 indicating a recent common ancestor to all four families. This family also matches family 106 35/37 and family 279 36/37. This is HG I. There is one other exact match on the database at FTDNA and 40 one step mutations, 25 of which are English in origin. Also 108/111 to family 305, 106/111 to family 399 and 67/67 to family 361.
Researcher Ronald L May
22. The MAY family descended from Holden MAY born about 1797 in TN died in 1846 in IL. Some family stories say he was found as a child "holden on to a gate in May." His son was John Wesley MAY born in 1830 in TN and died in 1900 in IL. Results are in only one 11/12 match, see family 128. This is HG R1A.
Researcher Guy Eldon May
23. The MAY family of William MAY, wife unknown, birth date unknown, from County Carlow, Ireland. Requested permission to emigrate to Canada Nov. 1817. He and family arrive in Ottawa Valley and settle in Franktown, Beckwith Township, Carleton County, Ont. Between 1819 - 1822. William had 10 children and the researcher is descended from the second child, John May, b: 12 Jul 1802, Carlow Co. d: 30 Jun 1881. and buried in Franktown. He was a mason. His wives are Mary Fleming b: 1799, d: 6 May 1857 and Elizabeth McNeil (widow of Austin Allen) b: 1815 and d: 21 Mar 1893. It is understood that William MAY was a soldier in Ireland but unclear if he was English or Irish. The family was Protestant (possible Church of Ireland but Church of England after settling in Canada).Surprising result! This family is a 36/37 match to Family 1A testee 1 on a 37 marker test and 37/37 to family 329. Also 33/37 to family 383. See family 1A for more recent evidence of the common ancestry of these May families.
Researcher Ronald B May
24A. The MAY family of John MAY of Richmond Co., GA, born about 1705, died about 1785 in Richmond Co., GA. John MAY had a son named James MAY that is the last proven MAY ancestor of the researcher. .James MAY born 1745 married in 1789 Lydia Bishop. This family is a 24/25 match to family 19 and 20 and 176.
Researcher Judy Kayse
24B. The above James May had a son Drury May that the above researcher descends from. Based on family oral history Drury also had a slave family. Louisa (Lightfoot) May and family lived two dwellings away from Drury in the 1870 Alabama United States census. This family history is confirmed by a 25/25 match between Family 24A and 24B and a 24/25 match to Families 19 and 20. This family is also a 36/37 match to family 268 and 19 testee 1, and 34/37 match to family 81 and a 35/37 match to family 176, 208, 255 and 376. Also see family 130. Also 66/67 to family 381, 65/67 to family 368, 64/67 to family 401, 62/67 to family 275 and 61/67 to family276.
Researcher Richard Procello
25. Testee 1.The MAY family of Albert Osborn (1818-1904) who was apparently an illegitimate son of a Mr. May in Floyd County, Kentucky, probably of the Niederhausen, Germany line of the May family. If so this line should match that of Family 15. Results are in, the test shows a two mutation difference on a twelve marker test. Test of an Osborn possible cousin shows the researcher is not related to this line of Osborns, with a genetic distance on a twelve marker test of 15. This family is 23/25 to family 31 and 23/25 to family 15, and 34/37 to family 171 and 288, and 33/37 to family 189 and 33/37 to family 211 and 35/37 to family 234.
25. Testee 2. A test was ordered of a descendent of REUBEN MAY (1800-1840) who married Sally Allen (This is the Reuben that the researcher thinks was father of Don's great-grandfather Albert Osborn) Results show a 25/25 match to family 31, 33/37 to family 140 and a 23/25 match to researcher Don Osborn, and a 24/25 match to researcher John Greenley MAY, family 15. Also a 37/37 match to family 171 and 288, and 36/37 to family 189, and a 36/37 match to family 211and family 234..
Researcher Donald Lewis Osborn
26. The MAY family descendents of John MAY, b. c1787 in TN, d. c1853 in Barry or Newton Co., MO. He m. Mary FORD in c1818. She was b. c1795 in VA or MO, d. 1866 in Taney Co., MO. This family is an exact 25/25 match to Family 14 and 150, a 24/25 match to family 51 and 57, and a 23/25 match to family 65 and 82. Also 23/25 to families 275 and 276.
Researcher James Lee May
27. The MAY family, descendents of Thomas MAY, b. c1749, d. 1829 in Knox Co., TN. He m. Maria Catharina EMRICH in c1770 in PA. She was b. 1751 in Berks Co., PA, d. aft. 1830 in Knox Co., TN. This family is thought to be part of the MAY family of German descent associated with the Rockingham Co., VA MAY families. Results are in. This family matches Family 21 and 158 25/25 and Family 33, Family 46 and family 106 24/25 and Family 53 25/25 indicating a recent common ancestor for all five families..
Researcher LouWayne McQuirk
28. The May family descended from John Parris May - b. 23 Nov 1855 in Alabama (?) - d. 1909 in Rice, Navarro County, Texas - m. Marietta Alabama Duke, widow of Dr. Joel Chapman 24 May 1891 is thought to be of Scots or Scots-Irish descent. This family is apparently descended from Andrew Jackson MAY b. 1834 in AL. There is a 25/25 match to family 47. Haplogroup R1b1b2. A J May's father could have been named McCollum or Bean based on close matches at the 25 marker level.
. Researcher Camilla May Moga
29. The MAY family descended from William May Sr., b. c1720 in Virginia? His son, Thomas May, b. 1 Apr 1761, Bute Co., North Carolina (now Franklin Co.) for whom there are pension papers from the National Archives from the Rev. War. Thomas later moved to Chatham Co., NC and from there to Gibson Co., Tennessee. He received his last pension payment in abt. 1840.The researcher is descended from Thomas through his son, Green B. May & Green's son, also Green B. May. William Thomas May was the son of the last Green B. May and the researcher's great-grandfather. This family is 12/12 to families 12, 17, 32, 39, 49, 50, 62, 77, and 89. .
Rezsearcher Jerry W May
30. The May family of William MAY, Sr."the Planter" b. c1720 in ?Amelia Co., VA, d. 1774 in Chatham Co., NC. He m. Lucy _____. Their son William MAY "the Carpenter", b. c1741 in VA, d. 1807 in Pendleton Co., SC. He m. Lucy DAVIS. This researcher is thought to be descended from their son Phillip H. MAY (see family 4A.) . Results do not provide a very good match to family 4A, only 19/25, or Family 4B only 21/25. This family is a better match to family 2 and 121 and 225, 34/37 match, and families 40, 60, 116 , 35/37 matches. Family 40 is another descendent of William MAY "the planter." This family is 64/67 to family 292. Also 61/67 to family 214 and 282 and 60/67 to family 355, 34/37 to family 240. Also 63/67 to family 78. Also 33/37 to family 296 and 340. This family is 108/111 to family 35 and 317, 105/111 to families 121 and 225, and 104/111 to family 289 and 400.
Researcher Kenneth Paul May
31. FTDNA kit 4976. The MAY family descendents of Adam MAY, b. 1765-70 in PA, d. 1834-40 in Rockingham Co., VA. He m. Elizabeth BOTT in 1791 in Augusta Co., VA. She was b. c1770 in MD, d. aft. 1850 in Port Republic, Rockingham Co., VA. Thought to be of German descent. Based on a 25 marker test, this family is a 24/25 match to family 140 and 189, 23/25 match to family 25 testee 1 and a 25/25 match to family 25, testee 2 and family 171. It is 21/25 with with family 27 and family 21. Also 23/25 to family 307 and 63/67 to family 225.
Researcher Harrison May
32. The MAY family of Russell MAY, thought to be descended from Etheldred MAY, born before 1775, died c1825 in Warren Co., TN. He m. Lucy HILL in c1802 in Washington Co., GA. She was b. 1776 in ?Edgecombe Co., NC, d. 1827 in TN. Their son was John MAY.. This researcher should match with family 19 but is three to four mutations off this family, but is 25/25 with Families 12, 39, 50, 77, 158 and 89 and 24/25 with family 109.
Researcher Russell L May
33. The MAY family descended from Francis May (1775-1851) who married Mary McGrew 22 Dec 1796 in Shelby, KY and settled in Orange Co., IN about 1820. Many researchers believe he was the son of a William May of Pittsylvannia Co, VA whose brother John was named administrator of his estate which was litigated in Barren Co., KY. This William died about 1805. The majority of GEDCOMs etc on the Internet today list his parents as William and Betty (Dyer) May based on a single (poorly documented) DAR application asserting that Francis was a son of a William May who died in 1781 at the Battle of Eutaw Springs, SC. This family matches 24/25 with families 21, 27, 158 and 53, who are of German descent and 23/25 to family 106.. The difference is one at marker 449, a "fast moving" marker. This family is 25/25 to family 46 and 279.
Researcher Geoffrey Alexander May
34. The MAY family descended from Caleb May born April 1, 1781, in the Washington District of North Carolina in what is today Ashe County, North Carolina. He was probably born in Wilkes County, North Carolina, from which they formed Ashe County in 1796. He died April 11, 1827, in Floyd County, Kentucky, (in what is today Magoffin County, Kentucky). He married about 1801, in Russell County, Virginia, Margaretta Patrick, born September 2, 1783, in Montgomery County, Virginia. Caleb may be the son of James May, (possibly ?James Timothy May? or ?Timothy James May?) born between 1740 and 1750 (60?). I have yet to learn the name of his wife. His father was William May, born in 1735 in New York, whose father was John May, born in New York in 1710. Thought to be English or from Holland originally. This family is 25/25 to family 352, and 24/25 to family 38, 114, 172 and 190 and 23/25 to family 195 and 258.
Researcher Patrick May, Jr.
35. The MAY family descended from Daniel May b. 1730; d. 1778 Charolette Co., VA., married to Alice ---?--- (seen some ref. says her last name was Yates but not proved). Thier son was David May Charolette Co., VA married Mary Mullins. Their son was Daniel May b. 1787 in Charolette Co, VA d. after 1850 (possibly in Alabama), married Jane Eliza Farris. Thier son was Joel Farris May b. 1810 in Charolette Co., VA, d. 188- (in Gadsden Co, FL) 37/37 (7A) (60) (40); 36/37 (2) (84) (116) (129) (181) (225) 395) (402); 35/37 to (41) and 34/37 to (7B) and (4 researcher 2.). This testee is also 66/67 to family 121 and 292, and 65/67 to family 30 and 78 and 62/67 to family 355. Also 36/37 to family 240. Also 63/67 to family 214 and 282. Also 34/37 to family 281. Also 108/111 to family 30, 107/111 to family 289 and 400, 108/111 to family 121 and 225, 109/111 to family 313 and 111/111 to family 317 and 35/37 to family 296 and 340.
Researcher Frank May
36. The MAYS family descended from JOSIAH ELLIS MAYS was born 22 November 1822 in Amherst County, Va.. He died 1891 in Lowndes County, MS. He married Lenah Elliott 2 March 1842 in Tuscumbia, AL. She was born 15 November 1821 in Tuscumbia, AL. and died 30 May 1874. He then married Julia Elizabeth Greer (Bean) on 15 June 1876. Julia born 7 Nov 1837 and died 7 Nov 1917. She is buried next to Josiah Mays in Old Greer Cemetery, Columbus AFB, Lowndes Co., MS. Results are in, nearest match is 36/37 to family 111, 213 and 244, and 35/37 for family 127, 187, 344 and 386, and 34/37 for family 166 and 33/37 for family 314.
Researcher Wes Mays Wes has a web site, click www.wesmays.com
37. The MAYES family descended from John (known as Big John) Mayes born about 1774 in (VA?) who was located in Gr.Co., TN and married Nancy Mayes dau. of Sherrod Mayes in about 1805 and later married Jane MAY in about 1840. His son was Frederick Mayes. Frederick came to Trigg Co. KY in about 1850. See family 101 for details on earliest known ancestors. This family is 25/25 to families 73 and 96 and 24/25 to family 43, Also 12/12 to family 75. This family is 37/37 to family 112 , and 36/37 to family 96, 110, 305 and 119, 353, and 35/37 to family 103 and 120, and 33/37 to families 72, 75, 94, and 101.
Researcher Thomas G Mays (email in care of researcher Sheri Kelly)
38. The MAY family descended from Gideon May, b. ca 1802 in Russell Co., VA. He is thought to be a son of James Harvey May, b. ca 1740 in England. His wife was Melinda Hylton, b. 1816 in Kentucky, a daughter of Arthur Hylton. This family is 24/25 to family 34,195, 258, and 352, and 25/25 to family 114 172 and 190.
Researchers Sharon May Thasen and Joanna Newman
39. The MAY family descended from Etheldred MAY, b, bef, 1775, d. c1825 in Warren Co., TN. He m. Lucy HILL in c1802 in Washington Co., GA. She was b. 1776 in Edgecombe Co., NC, d. 1827 in Warren Co., TN. Their only son was John MAY, b. c1805 in Washington Co., GA, d. 1860-80 in TN. He m. Martha "Patsy" (maiden name unknown). This family is 25/25 with family 12, 50, 32, and 207 and 24/25 with family 49, 62 and 109. It may be related to families 17 and 29 who only have 12 marker tests.
Researcher Betty Torres email her in c/o Imogene M. Boswell
40. The MAY family of William MAY, Sr., b. c1720, d. 1774 in Chatham Co., NC. He m. Lucy _____. Their son was Joseph MAY, b. c1750 in Orange (now Chatham) Co., NC, d. 1808 in Chatham Co., NC. He m. Anglette "Letty" FISHER in 1774 in Chatham Co., NC. Their son was: John Vincent MAY, b. 1786 in Chatham Co., NC, d. 1853 in Chickasaw Co., MS; Thomas Jefferson MAY, b. 1815 in Chatham Co., NC, d. 1846 in Chickasaw Co., MS; Aaron B. MAY, b. 1842 in Chickasaw Co., MS, d. 1874 in Clay Co., MS - English or Scots-Irish - 37/37 (7A) (35) (60) (78) (116) (317); 36/37 (2) (121) (129) (181) (225) (395) (402); 35/37 (30) (41) (214); 24/25 (2) (30) (41) (42); 23/25 (4B) (7B); 20/25 (4A) and 36/37 to family 240. Also 34/37 to family 281 and 33/37 to family 282 and 35/37 to family 296 and 340.
Researchers Ethel May Hopkins and Dan S May
41. The MAY Family, descendents of John MAY, Sr., b. c1710 in VA, d. c1800 in Anson Co., NC; Phillip MAY, Sr., b. c1732 in VA, d. 1803 in Edgefield Co., SC; Benjamin MAY, b. c1754 in VA, d. c1806 in GA; Reynolds MAY, b. 1777, SC, d. 15 Mar 1862 in Maysville, Benton Co., AR. He married Hanna ENGLISH abt 1804 in TN. She was b. 19 JUN 1785, TN, d. 10 Aug 1870, Maysville, Benton Co., AR. The researcher of this family is descended from Reynolds May and Hanna English. 36/37 (2) (395) 35/37 (7A) (35) (40) (60) (78); 35/37 (30) (116); 34/37 (121) (225) (240); 25/25 (41); 24/25 (42); 23/25 (4B) (7B) and 33/37 to family 214, 281, 296 and 340.
Researcher Clarence L. Curl
42. The MAY family of John May, who appears in Pittsylvania County, VA in 1777 when he married Susannah Porter. He may have been the John May who was involved in land transactions in the area as early as 1755, but there's no definite connection. John died in Pitt. Co. about 1819 after settling the estate of his brother, William, who died about 1805. John and Susannah had eight children: three male, five female. Two of the boys, George and Gabriel, started a family tradition by marrying siblings: Dicey and Elizabeth Still, while two of the girls married Marlow siblings. Gabriel migrated through MS to AR, arriving in 1849 with his eleven children, five of whom married Hobson siblings (and another married a Hobson cousin). 25/25 (78); 24/25 (7A) (35) (40) (60); 23/25 (2) (41); 22/25 (4B) (7B) (30)
Researcher Bill May
43. The MAY family descended from David Mays of VA who had a son also named David Mays b.16 Feb1798 VA d.1870 Dallas Co., AR m. Sarah W. Daniels b.13 Jun1810 VA d.1887 Dallas Co., AR.See family 101 for details on earliest known ancestors. This family is 24/25 to Families 37, 72, 73, 75, 96 and 103. Also 23/25 to family 101.
Researcher Debby Mays
44. The MAY family descended from John T. MAY - middle name believed by some to be Tillman. Mother's name: Jane - believed by some to be Mary Jane May born in Georgia. John T MAY born in Georgia about 1832, lived in Dale Co, Alabama around 1854, moved to Clarke Co, Alabama before 1860 and died there after the end of the Civil War and before the 1870 census. Served in the Confederate Army from Feb 1863 until (presumably) the end of the war. Some evidence would point to his death in 1865 or 1866.Wife's name: Martha J. May - believed by some to be Martha Jane Robertson. Born in Georgia about 1838, died in Clarke Co, Alabama somewhere around 1867 - 1870. This family matches families 218 67/67 and 209 109/111and 224 66/67. Also 36/37 to family 265.
Researcher Thomas Lamar May, Jr.
45. The MAY family descended from Charles May born about 1780 Anson County, NC died about 1830 married about 1798 to Polly Loveless born about 1781 died about 1850. His son was Asa May born 10/8/1820 Edgefield,SC died 5/13/1878 Ashville,FL married 12/23/1846 to Margaret Martha Murray born10/16/1829 Varnville,SC died 10/21/1898 at Ashville, FL. This family is 36/37 to family 83, and 24/25 with family 11 and and 35/37 with Family 67 and 25/25 with family 58, 74, and 86. This family is null 439 along with several other testees. See below under "Haplogroups and the finer points of analyzing the numbers" for additional information.
Researchers Joe May and Arthur W.Stapleton, Jr
46. This MAY family believes they are also descended from Thomas May, born c1749 in Germany, died c1826 in Knox County, TN, and Maria Catharina Emrich. (see family 27). They are descended from Thomas and Maria's son Michael Sr., b March 7, 1790 in Rockingham Co., VA, d c1860 in Roane Co., TN and Sara(h) May. This family is 25/25 to family 33 and 24/25 to Families 27, 53 and 36/37 to family 21 and 361, 35/37 to family 158 and 305 and 34/37 to family 106. Also 37/37 to family 279.
Researcher Denise
47. The MAY family descended from Andrew Jackson MAY, born July 14, 1834 in AL married Louisa Catherine, maiden name unknown. This testee is descended from A J MAY's son George born 1865. This family is 25/25 match to family 28, which is descended from another son of A J MAY, John Parris MAY.
Researcher J Mark May
48. The MAY family descended from Daniel MAY, Sr., born about 1722 in Germany. It has been suggested that he might be the Daniel MAY who arrived in Philadelphia aboard the ship "Loyal Judith" in 1743. He married Barbara Clapp and settled in Orange & Guilford Counties, NC. He died 4/11/1821 at age 99 in Orange Co., NC. His obituary says he had 16 children. The two testees who are closely related match 24/25. Testee 3 matches testee 1 25/25 and testee 2 24/25. All three testees are now verified to be direct descendants of John Wesley May, born 4/13/1859 in Guilford County, NC. John Wesley May is believed to be the great-great-grandson of the immigrant, Daniel May Sr. This family is 25/25 to family 108 and 122 for testee 1 and 3 and 24/25 to family 108 and 122 for testee 2. Testee 1 is 36/37 to family 122. Testee 1 has a 111 marker test and matches family 294 104/111. Testee 1 is 33/37 to family 277. Testee 3 is 23/25 to family 277 and 294.
Researchers John David May (testee 1)and William Dean May (testee 2) and Michael Edward MAY (testee 3)
49. The MAY family descended from Samuel C. May, born about 1796 NC, died 1888 Berrien Co. GA. Samuel C. had three wives. The first two died. Then he married Jane May (maiden name) on April 21, 1829 in Warren Co. GA, according to their marriage license. Jane was born about 1798, died about 1849 Lowndes Co. GA. They had eight children. This family is 24/25 with seven other MAY families, families 12, 32, 39, 50, 77 and 89, and 23/25 to family 109.
Researcher Gladys
50. May ancestors of Justin Wayne May. The researcher writes "Justin Wayne May, a 20-year military veteran, is a direct descendant of William May of Bute County, NC (1730-1785) who died in Franklin County, NC. He is descended by way of William’s son, Thomas May (1761-1841 died in Gibson County, TN), a Revolutionary War veteran; his son William May of Franklin County, NC (1785-1880 died in Granville County, NC); his son, Robert May of Granville County, NC (1825-1898 died in Franklin County, NC), a Confederate Army veteran; his son, Joseph May of Franklin County, NC (1855-1923 died in Danville, VA. This May line is genetically linked to a Mayo line of Massachusetts and is suspected of being descended from William Mayo of Isle of Wight County, VA (possibly 1654-1713) and thus originally a Mayo family in its own right. All information is backed with thorough documentation and readily available upon request." He is 25/25 with families 32, 39, 77, and 89, and 36/37 to family 204 and 35/37 with family 109, 157 and 293, and 33/37 to family 369, and 65/67 with family12 and 64/67 to family 62 and 287, and 66/67 to family 257. Also 34/37 to family 286. Also 107/111 to family 256, 106/11 to family 303 and 104/111 to family 262, 315, 387, 384 and 390, and 103/111 to family 338 and 365.
Researcher Justin Wayne May
51.The May family descended from John May, born on June 8th, 1824 location unknown. It is believed that he had brothers named Andrew J., Briant, George W. because these men enlisted at the same time into the Civil War and were from his home county. John May was wounded at Vicksburg and was given a disability after the war, so researcher has good information on him from this. John's bible shows he married three times with the first marriage not being listed in the Illinois database. So, we think he was married outside the state to his first wife. The other two marriages are listed in the Illinois Marriage database. This family is 25/25 to family 57, and 24/25 to families 14, 26, 65, and 82, 36/37 to families 150 and 165, and 65/67 to family 154 and 64/67 to family 165. Also 35/37 to family 184.
Researcher Don Gulledge
52. The May family descended from the line of William MAY, b. c1720, d. 1757 in Spencer, Worcester Co., MA. He m. Mary SNOW in 1741 in Worcester Co., MA. The testee is a descenant of their son David MAY, b. 1746 in Leicester, Worcester Co., MA. Research indicates that this line almost certainly connects to the line of John MAY of Roxbury, MA, but the connection has not yet been made. John MAY was b. 1590 in England, d. 1670/71 in Roxbury, Suffolk Co., MA. He came from England to MA by 1657. This family is not closely related to others in the study at this time. Recently updated to 111 marker test.
Researcher Roger May
53. The MAY family descended from Christopherus (Christoph) MAY (Jan 1666-11 May 1740) m. Anna Margaretha SCHNEIDER 29 Nov 1698 (21 Jul 1679-2 Oct 1751). Their son was Frantz Phillip MAY, b. 1 Jul 1708 in Langendiebach (now Erlensee), Germany, d. May 1785 in Windsor Twp., Berks Co., PA. He m. Anna Magdalena BIEHL. They came to America 22 Nov 1752 on the Phoenix, along with his sons Killian & George MAY, & most of his family and settled in Berks Co., PA. This line is 25/25 with Families 21, 158 and 27 and 24/25 with Families 33, 46, and 106. This would seem to be the ancestral line of Thomas MAY of Rockingham Co., VA and Knox Co., TN (27) and (46), along with that of Jacob MAY of IL (21), and Francis MAY (33)
Researcher Dick May
54. The MAY family descended from John W. May of Monroe Co., IN. through his son Solomon Arcean May. This family is 25/25 with Family 9, testee2 and family 131 and family 191..
Researcher Lawrence G. May
55. The MAY family decended from James Deforrest May, b. 2 17 1827 in Hardin CO KY, d. 12 23 1881 in Warrick CO IN. He is thought to be the son of David L May and Rebecca VanWinkle. Married Mary Malissa Mosby 9 4 1869 in Perry CO IN. She was born 8 25 1843 and died 2 22 1919. Some of his descendents use the spelling "MAYES". This is a 24/25 match to Family 16.
Researcher Cindy Meeks
56. The MAY family descended from John Wray May b.Jun 30, 1773 d.Jan 02, 1857 in Daviess County, KY.; and Sarah Waters b.in 1778 d.Aug. 22, 1841, through their son William May b.Sept. 15, 1796 in Nelson County, KY d. Aug. 14, 1876. This line is believed to connect to the same line as is in the book by Ben H. Coke, "John May Jr of Virginia, His Descendants and Their Land.". Nearest match is 9/12. Also 12/12 to family 266.
Researcher Scot May
57. The MAY family descended from William Johnson. It was discovered that William previously had another family and he told his new family his real name was "May". His death record stated he was born in Vienna, Illinois. He died in 1915. Results show that William Johnson was indeed a MAY, as this is a 24/25 match to families 14, 26, 65, 82, and 165. See also family 123. Also 23/25 to family 184.
Researcher Flossie Owens
58. The MAY family descended from Claude MAY and Grace J. Magill. He was born somewhere in West Virginia in relatively recent times and is the father of the researcher. This family is 36/37 to family 83, and 25/25 with family 45, 74, and 86 and and 24/25 with family 11 and 35/37 with Family 67. This family is null 439 along with several other testees. See below under "Haplogroups and the finer points of analyzing the numbers" for additional information.
Researcher Mike May
59. The MAY family closely allied with the ancestry represented by Family 24A, this line descends from the same James and Lydia (Bishop) May and, as such, is similarly related to Family 24B. This lineage diverged from Family 24A a couple of generations later with Drury G. May, son of James and Mary Ann (Bridges) May. Members of this branch settled in Central Texas and many descendants still reside within the state to this day. This family is 24/25 to families 24A and 24B and 33/37 to family 208, 255, 19 testee1 and 268. Also see family 130.
Researcher: Herman I May
60. The MAY family descended from James MAY, b. c1725 probably in VA, d. 1800-10 in Buncombe Co., NC. He m. Elizabeth _____. Their sons were: Thomas MAY, b. 1755 in Caroline Co., VA; John MAY, b. 1760 in Essex Co., VA; William MAY, b. 1764 in Essex Co., VA; and James MAY, b. 1778 in VA. Thomas MAY, b. 1755 in Caroline Co., VA, d. 1837 in Fayette Co., AL; George MAY, - James MAY of Caroline Co., VA - 37/37 (7A) (35) (40) (78) (116) (129) (317); 36/37 (2) (30) (41) (121) (181) (225) (240) (395) (402); 24/25 (42); 23/25 (4B) (7B) and 35/37 to family 214 and 296 and 340. Also 34/37 to family 281 and 33/37 to family 282.
Researcher Gene May Boswell
61. The MAY family decended from John & Jane MAY of Upper Turkey Foot Twp, Somerset County, Pennsylvania. John MAY, the researcher's Great-Great Grand Father, was born in about 1801, they produced eight Children. Michael MAY, the researcher's Great Grand Father, was their first born, He was born January 1828, in Upper Turkey Foot Twp, Somerset County, Pa. He married Anna ___?___. They produced four Children. Samuel Freeman MAY, the researcher's Grand Father, was their first born. He was born 29 August 1859. He married Louisa Gillenberger, a German Immigrant, whose Family came to America in 1883. They produced nine Children. The researcher's Father, Harry Warren MAY, was the seventh Child, born 09 April 1906 in Lower Turkey Foot Twp, Somerset County, Pa. This family is 24/25 with families 25, testee 2, 31 and 171. Also 23/25 to family 307.
Researcher Daniel E May
62. The MAY family of Luamber Jackson MAY who was born August 03, 1826 in GA,
and died March 26, 1900 in Warthens, Washington County, GA. He was also known as
L J May, Leander J. May, and Leeroy J. May. He married (1) Emily CATO on October
24, 1848 in Washington County, GA, daughter of James E. CATO and
Elizabeth Osborn. She was born July 15, 1825 in Washington County,
GA, and died January 12, 1890 in Warthen, Washington County,
GA. He married (2) to Barbara Mills Vinson, b. abt 1830, and died August 12,
1897. LJ married (3) Mary "Millie" Elizabeth REDFERN, on April 14, 1898 in
Washington County, GA. She was born October 14, 1877, died June 5, 1953.
This family is 65/67 to family 257, 315 and 303, 64/67 with families 12, 50,
256 and 384, and 36/37 to families 204, 205 and 207, and 35/37 to families 109 and 293.
Also 24/25 to 39, 77 and 89 and 23/25 to family 49. Also 63/67 to family 262.
Also 61/67 to family 287. Also 34/37 to family 286, and 33/37 to family 369.
Researcher Lisa May Axtell
63. The MAY family descended from John MAY, born ABT. 1774 in Connecticut, and died between 1820 -1830. He married Hannah Weston. She was born about 1783 in Connecticut and died between 1850 - 1860 in Hinesburgh, VT. They had two sons, Charles MAY, born 1821, and John V. MAYwas born 1820 Burlington, Vermont, and died in 1898 in Vermont. He married (1)Fedelia Alger 7 Dec 1841 in Huntington, VT. She was born 1821 Richmond, VT and died 4 July 1873, Richmond VT. He married (2)Nellie Ellen Bingham, (the researcher's line) 9 Mar 1878, in Richmond VT. She was born 1 Sep 1854, Hinesburgh, VT and died 11 Oct 1950, Waterbury, VT. This Family is 24/25 to Family 71. Also 23/25 to family 308.
Researcher Sandy McGrath
64. The MAY family descended from William May, b ca 1766 in either England or Ireland who m Elizabeth Blackmoore 10/30/1796 in Taunton, Somerset, England. They had 5 children, the eldest, John, b 4/7/1797 in the same parish, is the one the researcher is descended from. Wm., Elizabeth and the 5 children came to the USA aboard the ship Orion, landing in New York 8/21/1820. The family lost Elizabeth somehow prior to settling in Beaver County, PA. This is R1b and 36/37 to family 363 and 373, 35/37 to researcher Keith MAY, Family 3, testee 1 and 34/37 to Family 3, testee 2. It is 12/12 for family 160. Also 35/37 to family 180 and 348 and 37/37 to family 196. Also 25/25 to family 246. Also 36/37 to family 349.
65. The MAY family descended from William May, who was born between 1795 and 1805 in North Carolina, Georgia, or Tennessee depending on which census one looks at. William May married Mary Ann Mullen (Mullins) in Carroll Co., Ga., on 4 Feb 1832 (from marriage license). Mary Ann, also called Polly, was born between 1808 - 1811, in Georgia, according to census records. Her father was a man named May Mullins. He had come to Carroll Co., Ga., from Hall Co., Ga., and before that was from Jefferson Co., Ga. The fact that his Christian name was May, seems to indicate that there was a connection with the May family. The William May who appeared on the petit jury in Carroll Co. at the 1828 term of court is likely our William May. Was he the William May who was issued a passport, along with Daniel May, to live in the Cherokee Nation on 6 May 1823? One William May is head of a household in Heard Co., Ga., in 1840. This may be our William. By 1850 he is in Randolph Co., Ala., where he remained and is said to be buried in Union Hill Cemetery, Randolph Co., Ala. His death date is unknown, but was sometime between 1870-1880. William's widow, Mary Ann, died sometime after the 1880 census was taken. William and Mary Ann had 12 children, whose names and details are known to the researcher. This family is 25/25 to family 165 and 24/25 to family 51 and 57, and 23/25 to families 14 and 26.
Researcher Virginia W Alexander
66. The MAY family descended from Thomas Mayes, born between 1700 and 1704, probably in Ireland, and died in August 1764 in Paxtang, Pennsylvania; married to Margaret Huston. Thomas's son Thomas, born around 1726 and died in 1801, in Union County, South Carolina, married Jane (sometimes written as Jean) Rutherford, daughter of Thomas Rutherford and Jean Mordah. John Mayes, the son of Thomas, was born around 1770 in Pennsylvania and died in 1827 in Franklin County Georgia. John was married to Margaret Crawford, the daughter of James Crawford and his second wife, Isabel. Edward Mayes, the son of John Mayes, was born around 1797 in Union County, South Carolina and died in May 1863 in Cobb County, Georgia. His first wife was Adeline Ash. Edward's son Wilson Lumpkin Mayes was born on November 8, 1834 in Cobb County, Georgia, married to Mary Lou Little, lived in Haralson County, Georgia, and died February 12, 1910 in Birmingham, Alabama. This family does not match any others in the study at this time.
Researcher Cathie Mayes Hudson
67. The MAY family descended from Alfred (Alford) May who was born (unknown location) in TN on March 16, 1815. His father (Unknown name) was born in GA and, according to oral family history, was of Scots/Irish descent. Alfred migrated to the Miller/Cole County area in MO before 1840. His first marriage was to Ellen Giffen (dau. of John Giffen) abt. 1840 which resulted in birth of one son John J. May. Alfred's third marriage in 1856 (Miller Co., MO) to Charlotta T. Cross resulted in birth of two sons, one of which was Samuel D. May who was the Grandfather of the researcher. This family is 36/37 to family 83, and 35/37 with Family 45 and Family 58, and 24/25 with Family 74 and 83. This family is null 439 along with other testees. See below under "Haplogroups and the finer points of analyzing the numbers" for additional information.
Researcher Terry D May
68. The MAYS family descended from Joseph Mays (b. ca. 1725 Virginia, probably Stafford Co., d. June 1798 Amherst [now Nelson] Co., Virginia. Joseph and his wife Sarah (Sally) Cash had 12 children. The first five: John (ca. 1750-May 1820); James (1 Feb 1752); Lydia (25 Feb 1754 m. James Walters) Joseph (18 Apr 1756); and George (1 Jan. 1758) were born in Stafford Co., Virginia. The other seven: Jemima (ca. 1761 m. Wm. Hollingsworth); Charles (22 May 1763-1848); Jesse (ca. 1765-1809); Elijah (ca. 1768); Moses (ca. 1775); Robert (July 1779-July 1853) and Lewis (ca. 1780) were all born in Amherst Co., Virginia in an area that is in present day Nelson Co. The researcher believes Joseph Sr. to be the brother of two other Mays men who lived in the area: Robert and William. This family is 64/67 to family 232. Researcher has a 111 marker test.
Researcher Edith Mays Ochs
69. The MAY family descended from Alfred Jesse May, supposedly born in Seattle, Washington, about 1881. His parents are Samuel May (born approx 1855) and Virginia White (born approx 1859), both possibly born in England. Samuel died at age 35. Alfred and his mother Virginia moved to Nebraska most likely in the early 1890's where his mother remarried John Humphrey. Alfred settled in Minnesota after serving in the army. He married Virginia O'Shaney in 1907. Test results show no recent ancestor with anyone in the study as of June 2005. This is haplogroup J2 which is unusual so far in our study.
Researcher Terry A May
70. The MAY family descended from Daniel May of VA, b. 1775-1780 VA; in Maury Co, TN by 1811; d. 1833 Lawrence Co, TN. First wife unknown; second wife, m. 1820 Elizabeth Puckett. It is believed by some family members that Daniel May came with the Pucketts and members of his first wife's family from Pulaski Co, KY. This family is 37/37 to family 8, 233 and 243 and 36/37 to family 261.
Researcher Connie Ausec
71. The MAY ancestors of Homer MAY from Vermont. This Family is 24/25 to Family 63.
Researcher Sandy McGrath
72, The MAY family descended from Jesse May, b c 1806 near Salisbury, Rowan County, NC, died after 1870, married to Anna Limbaugh. She was born near Salisbury, Rowan Co., NC, died after 1870. Their children: Mary, Abram, Robert, Maria???, Amanda, William Franklin (the researcher's line), Lewis, Leah?, Reuben, Martha Ann. This family is 25/25 to family 73 and 96 and 24/25 to family 43. Also 12/12 to family 75. Also 37/37 to family 75 and 94, 36/37 to family 103 and 35/37 to family 101, 115, 145, 231, 346 and 366. Also 33/37 to family 37.This testee upgraded to 67 markers and shows a 66/67 to family 250 and 61//67 match to family 147, 325. Also 62/67 to family 112, 306, 327and 353, and 64/67 to family 231. Also 110/111 to family 377, 108/111 to family 370 and 389, 106/111 to family 306, 105/111 to family 353, 104/111 to family 321. 334 and 362, 105/111 to family 134 and 105/111 to family 231, and 103/111 to family 298 and 388.
Researcher Margaret May Logan
73. The MAYS family descended from John Abraham Mays Born: ca 1798 Married: 16 Apr 1818 Died: ca 1828 Lived in Maury Co., TN. Wife: was Elenor (Nelly) Dorton B: ca 1801, D: Aft 1860. See family 101 for details on earliest known ancestors. This family is 25/25 to family 37, 72, 75, 94, 96 and 103 and 24/25 to family 43 and 101. It is 12/12 to family 75.
Researchers Alexander Morris Mays and Matt Mays
74. The MAY family descended from Charles May via son Hiram, a brother to Asa May of Family 45. As expected, this family is a 25/25 match to families 45, 58, 83 and 86 and 24/25 to families 11 and 67. This family is null 439 as are all the other families with a close match.
Researcher Phyllis Harrison
75.The MAYS family descended from John Mays who married Nelly Dorton in 1818 in Maury Co. TN. See family 101 for details on earliest known ancestors. This family is 37/37 to families 72, 94, and 103 and 36/37 to family 101 and 35/37 to 115, 231, 346 and 366. Also 25/25 to families 73, and 96 and 24/25 to family 43. Also 33/37 to family 37, and 35/37 to family 145 and 36/37 to family 250..
Researcher Sarah F Dacus
76. Ancestors of James Milburn MAY. This is a 12/12 match to family 146 and 312. This is haplogroup I1c. Also 104/111 to family 178.
77. The first proveable May ancestor in this line is Reuben May, born c1804, Warren Co., GA. Reuben married Susannah Cato, in 1832, in Washington Co., GA. They migrated into Warren Co., TN on 1840 census, where the primary ancestor for this line, John W. May was born in 1842. Reuben and one John May, married to Patsy (Unknown) migrated around together over the decades; Lincoln, Co., TN, Madison Co., AL, Jackson Co., AL; then to Franklin Co., TN 1870 census where Reuben died in 1877. Two of their children; John's son, Alexander May, and Reuben's daughter, Mary 'Polly' May married. The researchers suspect they are some degree of cousins, but unsure. This family is 25/25 to families 12, 32, 39, 50, 89, 157, 204, 205, 207, 256, 257, and 262, and 24/25 to families 49, 109 and 286.
Researcher Gladys Shannon
78. MAY family descended from John May, Sr. B: about 1710, Caroline County, VA & D: about 1800, Anson County, NC, marriage to Ann Pleasants 2. Phillip May, Sr. B: about 1734, VA & D: about 1803, SC-marriage to Unknown 3. Phillip May, Jr. B: about 1764, VA/Carolinas & D: Sept. 1833, MS-marriage to Sarah Unknown 4. Benjamin May, B: 1797, SC & D: after 1870, LA-marriage to Mariah Unknown (Cherokee Native). 25/25 (42) 37/37 (7A) (40) (60) (116) (129) (181); 36/37 (225) (240) (395) (402); 24/25 (2) (41); 23/25 (4B) (7B) and 35/37 to family 214 and 296 and 340. Also 34/37 to family 281 and 33/37 to family 282. Also 65/67 to families 35, 313, and 317, 64/67 to families 121 and 292, 63/67 to family 30 and 225, 62/67 to family 355, and 61/67 to family 289.
Researcher Carl May
79. The MAY family descended from John MAY b. abt. 1760 d. 1835? who resided in Salem, Co. New Jersey. He may have been married to Hannah STEELMAN and a direct descendent of Capt. George MAY for whom May’s Landing NJ is named. Or he could be the son of Alexander MAY of Lancaster, PA. The line can be traced to John MAY’s son John b. 1792 d. 5 April 1863 and buried in Olivet Methodist Cemetery, Pittsgrove NJ who married Phoebe Sherry MURPHY 6 Sept 1818. The family seems exclusive to the Southern New Jersey area though there may be one member that moved west to Indiana or Illinois. No matcges so far. This is E3b haplogroup.
Researcher Joseph Whitesell May Jr
80. The MAY ancestors of Robert Edmund MAY. This family is 12/12 to families 30, 45, 58, 67 and 74. This family is null 439 along with several other testees. See below under "Haplogroups and the finer points of analyzing the numbers" for additional information. Based on this we know the families this testee is related to are families 45, 58, 67, 74, 83 and 86..
Researcher Bob May
81. The MAY ancestors of Jody Darren Martin. Although the last name is different, this family matches 34/37 to family 24B.
Researcher Jody Darren Martin
82. The MAY family descended from Joseph MAY Born Dec 25, 1794 in Cornwall, England Died Jun 20, 1876 in Toronto, Canada, married Anne George. This family is 24/25 to family 51 and 57, and 23/25 to families 14, 26, and 65 and 275 and 276. See also family 123.
Researchers Cindy and Barry May
83. The MAY family descended from William May : b 1780? in Georgia d. 9 Nov 1825 Lowndes Co., AL m. Elizabeth Browning ( born 6 Jan 1794, Georgia, died 1847, TX) His Son: David Francis May b. 14 Apr 1821 - Georgia d. 19 May 1891- Brown Co., TX m. Martha Rebecca Haralson ( 17 Oct 1825, GA-16 Apr 1899, TX) This family is 36/37 to families 45, 67, and 58, and 25/25 to families 74 and 86 and 24/25 to family 11. This family is null 439.
Researcher Johanna Graham
84. MAY family descended from John D. and Anne Frances [DANIELS] MAY of Fairfield Co., SC and Greene Co., AL through their son Stephen David MAY, b. 1807 in Fairfield Co., SC. This family is 36/37 to families 7A, 35, 40, 60, 78, 116 129 and 181, and 35/37 to families 2 and 7 testee 2, 121, 225, 240, and 402, and 34/37 to family 214, 296, 340 and 355, and 33/37 to family 281.
Researcher Gene May Boswell
85. MAYS ancestors of Michael Arthur Mays. This family is 12/12 with families 19 (testee 1), 19 (testeee 3), 20, 24A, 24B, 59, 81 and 85.
86. The MAY family descended from John MAY (b. abt 1750, NC; wife: Eliz. Baynard) who was the father of Charles MAY (See family 45) and John MAY (ancestor of the researcher). This family is 25/25 to families 45, 58, 74, 83, and 24/25 to families 11 and 67. This family is null 439 like all the above families. Because of the null 439 we know this family is also a close match to family 80, although we only have a 12 marker test for family 80.
Researcher Ed May
87.The MAY family descended from James May and his son John who immigrated to Saint Mary's Maryland from County Cork in Ireland in 1800. John May married Mary Ann Riley July 10, 1804. The wedding was in Genevieve, Missouri (Louisiana Territory) and was witnessed by James May (John's father) and Barbara Nottingham Riley (Mary Ann's mother). John and Mary Ann moved to Texas in 1835. This is 24/25 to family 201. This is R1b1.
Researcher Ronnie May
88. Theodore Kwasi MAY.This family is 11/12 to family 100. This family is 9/12 match to families 3 and 64.
89.The MAY family descended from James Fenner May, born April, 1882, date of death unknown, who married Martha Frances Collins, born November, 1883 died after 1977, both born in Franklinton, NC and died in Roanoke Rapids, NC. This line descends from their son William Jefferson May born 10/22/1905 Franklinton, NC died 3/20/1971 San Bernardino, CA married Marguerite Frances Peake 1934 in Riverside, CA she was born 2/17/1910, died 12/17/1995 both in San Bernardino, CA. This family is 25/25 to families 12, 32, 39, 50, and 77. It is 24/25 to families 49. 62 and 109.
Researcher Loretta May
90. Mays family descendants of Thomas Mayes and Jean Rutherford of western Pa. in early 1700s. Their son Thomas Boston Mays (b)1753 (d)27 Mar 1830, (m) 1782 SC to Mary Martha Hamilton (b) 1751 (d)1850 Forrest Co,Pa. Their son Thomas Washington Mays (b)25 Dec 1786 SC, (d)29 Dec 1867 Venango Co,Pa. (m) 23 Apr 1809 to Henrietta Myers (b)7 Sep 1794 Franklin Co,Pa. (d) 17 Apr 1868 Clarion Co,Pa. Thomas Boston Mays fought in Revolution ar Camden and Cow Pens, SC. This family is 4/12 to its nearest match.
Luama Wilkins Mays is the researcher
91.The MAY family descended from Leonard Chandler May, born N.Y. (Long Island) May 15, 1902, and moved to Chicago in the 1920s. His father was John May, mother Mary Chandler. It is thought he had an Uncle named George who moved from New York to Tennessee. Both Mother and Father were thought to be born in England. They were Episcopalian. This family is 67/67 to family 102.
Researcher Sunny Wittman
92. The MAY ancestors of Uwe Rainer May. Results are in, nearest match is 20/37 to anyone else tested so far.This is R1b1 haplogroup.
93. The MAY family descended from Reuben May b. 1776; Robert May c 1794; William Benjamin May b. 1836; Randolph Hill May b. 1881; Robert Lee May b 1914. This family was tested by Oxford Ancestors. It was designated as a classification of Oisin, or original Celt, and, presumably, R1b haplogroup. On the few markers we can match, this result is in keeping with ancestry linking to other researchers descended from Rueben MAY and related families. See families 12, 17, 29, 32, 39, 49, 50, 62, 77, and 89.
Researcher Catherine MacDonald
94. The MAY family descended from John Mays of Maury Co. TN, who was born 1794-1804, married Eleanor (Nellie) Dorton in 1818 in Maury Co.. They were the parents of 3 children, Eleanor, Elijah Alexander and Gracy. By 1830, John has died (I suppose) and she is on the 1830 census with the 3 children. Lived in Maury Co. until about 1855-56, then moved to Reynolds Co. MO. Elijah Alexander Mays married Sarah Hopwood Beck, a widow with 5 children. This family is 37/37 to family72 and 75, 36/37 to family 103 and 250 and 35/37 to family 101, 115, 145, 231, 346 and 366. Also 33/37 to family 37. Also 25/25 to families 73, and 96. See the blurb under family 101 for more information on the ancestry of this family.
Researcher Sarah Mays Dacus
95.The MAYS ancestors of Donald Ray MAYS. Nearest match is 9/12.
96.The MAYES family descended from Henry Mayes b: Abt. 1722 probably in Prince George Co., VA d: Bef. 15 May 1787 in Henry Co., VA. Wife was named Phoebe. Their son Liggon Mayes b: Abt. 1767 in Henry Co., VA married Esther Daniel. See family 101 for details on earliest known ancestors. This family is 37/37 to family 110, 119, 306, 353, 36/37 to family 37, 120 112, 134 147 and 149 and 35/37 to family 103, 203 and 339, 34/37 to family 231 and 25/25 to families 72, 73, 75, 94 and 103 and 24/25 to family 43 and 101. Also 12/12 to family 75.
Researchers Rick Mayes and Eve B Mayes
97.The MAYS ancestors of James Luther MAYS. Nearest match is 18/25 or 23/37.
98. The MAY ancestors of Thomas Robert MAY. Results show 11/12 match to family 300.
99. The MAY family descended from Thomas MAY b. abt 1800, possibly in Wiltshire, England & Fanny and his son Henry William MAY b. 6 Sep 1820, Clerkenwell, Middlesex, England Confectioner & Charlotte GOODEY b. abt Dec 1818, Linton, Cambridge, England m. 4 Jun 1843, Shoreditch, London, England. This family was in England until the 1960s. Nearest match is 20/25.
Researcher Chris May
100. The MAY family descended from James May b. abt 1790, d. Dec1844 in Jones County, GA. His wife Nancy (?) b, abt 1794 d, Oct 1866 in Jones County, GA. Married abt 1812. Their son was Samaria May b. 1817 Twiggs County, GA d. Feb 1855 in Baldwin Co. GA. Wife was Mary Jane Brooks b. 1831 d. 1880 Bibb Co. GA. They were married Jan 1848 in Jones Co. GA. This family is an 11/12 match to family 88.
Researcher Steve May
101. The MAYS/MAYES family descending from WILLIAM MAIES of Prince Charles County, VA (Charles City County prior to 1702), who located on the south/east bank of the Appomattox River north of Petersburg, VA ca. 1640-50. He was probably of English heritage. Known descent are through his only proved son JOHN (d. Feb. 1713/4) and John's only proved son DANIEL (d. by May 1721) who m. --?-- Newcomb, daughter of Henry Newcomb. WILLIAM, from whom descent has also been proved, m. Mary Mattox before 1700 and was probably a brother to Daniel. Daniel had at least three sons from whom major branches descend using both MAYS and MAYES spellings: HENRY, JOHN and MATTHEW, all born ca. 1682-92. The MATTHEW branch of testee WHITEFIELD WATSON MAYES is 36/37 with family 103 and 250, 35/37 with family 43, 75, 94, 115, 145, 231and 366, 24/25 with families 73 and 96, 33/37 with family 37 and 346, and 12/12 with family 75. Clearly, all these families have a common ancestor, but some branches enter/exit the main branch in different generations.
Researchers Selena DuLac, Tracy Knauss Joe Chandler Jr. and Whitefield "Whit" Watson Mayes
102. The MAY family ancestors of Charles Allen Godfrey. This family is 67/67 to family 91.
103. The MAYS family descendents of John Mayes/Mays b: Abt. 1719 in Amelia Co., VA d. Aft. Nov 1800 in Mecklenburg Co.,VA. His wife's name was Elizabeth. Their son was Stith Mayes/Mays b. Abt.1765 d. Aft. 26 Jul 1827 in Rutherford Co., NC. His wife was Cecily. This family is 37/37 to family 250. This family is 25/25 to families 73 and 96 and 24/25 to family 43 and 36/37 to family 72, 75, 94, 101, 145, 149, 231 and 366. Also 36/37 to family 231 and 35/37 to family 96, 110, 339 and 346, and 34/37 to family 37 and 112. See family 101 for details on earliest known ancestors.
Researchers Shirley Miller and Selena Du Lac
104. The MAEZ ancestors of Johnny Maez. Results are in, nearest match on a 12 marker test is only 4/12. This is haplogroup E3b.
105. The MAY ancestors of Hector Augusto May.
Researcher Enrique May
106. The
MAY family descended from Leonhard Maÿ (b. 1600; d. 1667) of Spachbrucken,
Hessen, Germany; married to Anna Maria Richer (b. 1615; d. 1690)
of same.
ancestor was Joh. Georg Maÿ (b. 1745); arrived in Philadelphia as indentured
servant on Ship Chance, 1766; m. Deborah Kornmann (b. 1753; d. 1847). This
family matches 24/25 with Families 27, 158 and 53. A 23/25 match was found with
Families 33 and 46. This family matches family 21 and 361 35/37, and family 279
and 305 34/37.
Researcher Janice May
107. Mayes ancestors of Garland Mayes. 12 marker results only. No matches to Mayes or variants at this time.
108. The MAY ancestors of Kenneth Peter Charles May. This family is 33/37 to family 48 testees 1 and 25/25 to testee 3 and family 122., and 24/25 to family 48 testee 2.
109. The MAY ancestors of Thurman Alvie May. This family is 36/37 to family 204, 303, 315 and 205 and 35/37 to family 50, 62, 293, and 338, 24/25 to families12, 19 researcher 4 AKA family 32, 39, 77, and 89, and 23/25 to families 49. Also 34/37 to family 262 and 286. and 33/37 to family 369.
110. The MAYES ancestors of Jimmy Foster Mayes. This family is 109/111 to family 377 and 389, 107/111 to family 370, 105/111 to family 306, 103/111 to family 334, 102/111 to family 388, and 37/37 with families 96, 119, 306, 353, 36/37 with families 37, 120. 134, 112, and 149, and 35/37 with family 103, 203, 231 and 339, and 34/37 to five other families in this large related group. See family 101 for details on most distant ancestors.
111. The MAYS family descended from Robert Mayes 1735-1808 m.Susannah Wade Amherst , Virginia and their son Pierce Wade Mayes 1785-1822 who married Polly Fulcher, and their son Edwin Pierce Mayes 1820-1871 who married Martha Carter. This family is 37/37 to family 213 and 244, and 36/37 to family 36 and 127 and 187, and 35/37 to family 166. Also 67/67 to family 213 and 66/67 to family 344 and 386, and 34/37 to families 314.
Researcher Donna Marstrander
112. The MAYES ancestors of Chuck N. Mayes. This family is 37/37 to family 37, 36/37 to family 96, 110, 306 and 119, 35/37 to family 120, and 34/37 to family 103, and 33/37 to five other families from this related group. Also 66/67 to families 306 and 353, 65/67 to family 147, 321, 325, 334 and 362, 64/67 to family 327, 63/67 to family 250, 370 and 231, and 62/67 to family 72. See family 101 for details on most distant ancestors.
113. The MAYS family descended from JAMES MAYS, JR., born abt 1785 in Amherst (later Nelson) Co., VA James Mays, Jr. married Annah Dillard and they migrated to Green Co., KY in 1817, reporting they came from Buckingham Co.(joining Nelson Co.), VA.. The researcher is decended from their son EDWIN HENRY MAYS, born 1812 in Nelson Co., VA, the 4th of 10 issues of James Mays, Jr. and Annah Dillard. Edwin Henry Mays died abt 1870 in Green Co., KY. This is an 11/12 match to family 164 and 24/25 to family 167. Haplogroup is I1.
Researcher L R Mays
114. The MAY ancestors of Julius Ray May. This family is 25/25 to family 38 and 190 and 24/25 to family 34 and 35/37 to family 137, 274 and 375, and 36/37 to families 172 and 319, and 34/37 to family 195 and 352. Also 33/37 to family 258.
115. The MAYES ancestors of Melvin S. Mayes. This family is 36/37 to family 103 and 250, 35/37 to families 72, 75, 94, 101, 145, 231 and 366, and 34/37 or 33/37 to five other families in this related group. See family 101 for details on most distant ancestors.
116. The MAY ancestors descended from the line of Benjamin MAY, Sr., born before 1755 in VA, died 1824 in Fairfield Co., SC. He was the son of John & Susannah STOKES MAY of VA and SC. Benjamin married Mary HARRISON before 1778. She was the daughter of Burr and Elizabeth [DARGAN] HARRISON of VA and SC. They had 15 children. Their son William MAY, born 1780-90 in SC, died 1842 in Noxubee Co., MS. This is the testees' line through William's son, Joseph Alverson MAY. We currently have no participants in the study from this line unless it happens to match the line of Jerry D. MAY (84) of Gene Boswell's "tribe." Jerry's line is that of John D. MAY of Fairfield Co., SC whose family traveled with and inter-married with the line of Benjamin MAY, Sr. from VA to SC. Oral family history from both lines states that the two families were NOT related. Surprising result: they are the same family. This family is 37/37 to families 7, 35, 40, 60, 78, 129, and 317, and 36/37 to families 2, 84, 121, 225, 240, 395 and 402, and 35/37 to families 30, 41, 214 and 296 and 340. Also 34/37 to family 281 and 33/37 to family 282.
Researchers Duncan E May and Gene Boswell
117. The MAY family descended from Andrew A May, born about 1827 in SC and living in Carnesville (Franklin county) GA m.to to Martha J Seigler according to 1860 GA census, and his son, the ancestor of the testee, William Robert May b Nov 14, 1847 in SC m. to Lowella Canada(Canady). Results are in, this family closest match is 19/25. This is R1b1c
Researcher Ray May
118. The MAY ancestors of John Amos May. 37/37 marker match to family 318 with surname Anderson.
119. The MAY ancestors of Raymond Clifford May. See family 101 for details on earliest known ancestors. This family is 37/37 to families 96 and 110 and 306, and 36/37 to families 37, 120, 112, 134, 147 and 149 and 35/37 to family 203 and 339. Also 34/37 to famaily 231. There is a 67 marker test with no close matches, except 60/67 to families 306 and 353.
120. The Mays family descended from William Mays, Sr., b. c1777 in VA, d. Bef. 1880 census in Elliott or Morgan Co., KY. He m. Fanny (some say, Francis Adkins, on Sept. 17, 1798 in Fincastle Co., KY/VA). She was b. c1780 VA, d. after 1870 Elliott Co. KY census. Their son, David Mays, b. c1822 in Floyd Co., KY, d. c1870. He married Susannah Click, b. c1820 KY, on Oct. 25, 1840 in Morgan Co., KY. James Mays, husband of Elizabeth Rowe of Lawrence Co., OH is also reported to be a son of William and Francis. This family is 36/37 to families 96, 110, 306, 119 and 353, and 35/37 to families 37 and 112. See family 101 for details on most distant ancestors.
Researcher Margaret Mays Hasson
121. The MAY descended from Henry MAY, born before 1755 in VA, died 1824 in Lauderdale Co., AL. He married Abbey _____ in c1778. They are first found in the records of Amelia Co., VA, along with the line of William MAY the Elder of Amelia Co., VA & his wife, Lucy, who (it is believed) could be his parents. Both William and Henry MAY were in Chatham Co., NC where William died in 1774, but neither his will nor the estate settlement papers are extant. Henry MAY and his family were in Williamson Co., TN in 1807, and Maury Co., TN by 1811. He bought land in Lauderdale Co., AL in 1818. Henry's children all were named in his will. Their oldest son, James J. MAY, was the line of the researcher. James' son, John W. MAY married Elizabeth PAULK. The line continues through their son, James J. MAY; his son, John Henry MAY; his son, Shelby Ray MAY; and his son, Ronald Ray MAY. This family is 36/37 to families 7, 35, 40, 60, 78, 116 129 and 181, and 35/37 to families 2, 84 and 225 and 240, 35/37 to family 402, and 34/37 to family 41 and 296 and 340. Also 66/67 to family 35, and 65/67 to family 292, and 64/67 to family 30 and 78 and 62/67 to family 214, and 61/67 to family 355, and 282 and 104/111 to family 289 and 400, 105/111 to family 225 and 30, and 108/111 to family 317. Also 33/37 to family 281.
Researcher Elden Ray May
122. The MAY family descended from Daniel May b: Jun 17, 1722 in Germany d: Mar 11, 1821 in Orange Co, NC.. He married Barbara Marie Clapp b. 1737 in in Berks Co , PA, m: 1752 in Berks Co, PA d. in Orange Co., NC and their son George Tobias May b: Nov 06, 1776 in Orange Co, NC d: Nov 17, 1864 in Geneva Tsp, Jennings Co, IN. This family is 25/25 to family 48 testees 1 and 3 and 24/25 to family 48, testee 2. Also 25/25 to family 108. Also 36/37 to family 48, testee 1. Also 35/37 to family 277 and 294.
Researcher Dinah Gay Gorbett Schofer
123. The MEIJER family. This 12 marker result matches 12/12 to families14, 26, 51, 57, 65, and 82.
124. The MAY family descended from John Albert May, born Jan 19,1846 in Ohio (not sure where) who died Apr 30, 1888 in Franklin, Louisiana. His wife was named Sevilia Carenton and she was born in Franklin, Louisiana in 1853 and died Dec 26, 1893. They had three sons: Robert Cox May (Jan 12, 1881 – Jul 25, 1938, the researcher's great grandfather), Charles May (1878 - ?), and John May (1873 - ?) all born in Franklin, Louisiana. This family is 23/25 to family 24, and 22/25 to families 19, 20 and 59. See also families 81, 85 and 130.
Researcher Steven Patrick May
125. The MAY ancestors of Joseph P Urben. No email contact information for Joseph. Nearest matches are 17/25 and 19/37.
126. The MAY ancestors of Clive May. He writes "My family go way back before 1700 in the UK my great grand parents coming from a place called Warnham Sussex which is very close to Mayfield in Sussex." We had poor matches until recently, however he does now have a good 36/37 match to family 320.
Researcher Clive May
127. The MAYES ancestors of Hoyt Patman Mayes. This testee is 36/37 to family 111, 213 and 244, and 35/37 to family 36, 344, and 386, and 34/37 to family 166 and 187. Also 33/37 to family 314.
Researcher Hoyt Patman MAYES
128. Left the project.
129. The MAY family descended from John May, born 15 Jan 1818, Tennessee (left Humphreys County, TN for Arkansas in 1857...may/may not be his birthplace), died 2 Oct 1867 Lawrence County, Arkansas. Married Elizabeth Cocke 24 Jan 1845 Tennessee (county unknown). His son and the grandfather of the testee was Felix Morgan May, b. 15 Sep 1852, Tennessee, died 23 Jan 1931 Glen Cove, Coleman, Texas, married Sarah Mobley 18 Oct 1874 Sharp County, Arkansas. This family is 37/37 to families 7, 35, 40, 60, 78, 116, 181, and 317, and 36/37 to families 2, 84, 121, 225, 395, 240 and 402, and 35/37 to four families including family 340, and 34/37 to two others in this family group. Also 34/37 to family 281 and 33/37 to family 282.
Researcher Karen Kincaid Tumbleson
130. The MAY family desecended from Joseph May, b. 1732 in GA and migrated to Pike CO MS. This individual was tested by GeneBase, so will not appear in FTDNA data base comparisons. See family 19, 20, 24a, 24b and 59. Testee has 32 out of the normal 37 markers done, and is a good match to these families.
Researcher Harlan Ross May
131. The MAY family descended from James M May, born 1832 in Indiana, and his son Pleasent Solomon May born May, 1860 died 1937 in Putnam CO MO and his wife Sara Francis Stokesberry, born May 1862, died 1937 in Putnam CO MO. This family is 37/37 with family 9 testee 2, family 222 and family 235, and 35/37 to family 191 and 371, and 36/37 to families 280 and 291.
Researcher Sandi (May) Hampel
132. The MAYS family ancestors of Fred W Mays. This family is 35/37 to family 366, and 34/37 to family 103 and 346 and 33/37 to five other mostly MAYS surname families.
133.The MAYS family descended from William C Mays and Mary Wadkins. This family is 36/37 to families 96, 110, 306, 119 and 353, and 35/37 to 4 other families. See family 101 for earliest known ancestors of the MAYS/MAYES spelling variant.
Researcher Margie Mays Henderson
134. This family left the project.
135. The MAY family ancesters of Donald George May, M.D. This family is 64/67 to family 245. They have a 111 marker test completed. This is haplogroup R1b1c
136. The MAY family ancestors of Stefan May. No close matches so far, 23/37 is closest at this time. This is R1b1c. This individual has left the project.
137 The MAY ancestors of Roy Lee May. The proven ancestry is Simon Peter May (1815 KY-1852 Owen Co., KY)>John Mullins May (1849 Carroll Co., KY-1927 Clark Co., IN)>James Robert May (1882 Owen Co., KY-1950 Clark Co., IN)>Lee Roy May (1907 Henry Co., KY-1997 Clark Co., IN). It is assumed Simon Peter May's father was William May and his grandfather was Joshua May of VA & KY. This family is 35/37 to family 114, 36/37 to families 172 and 319 and 24/25 to family 38 and 190 and 23/25 to family 34, and 34/37 to family 195. Also 33/37 to family 258. Also 35/37 to family 274.
Researcher Sandy
138. The MAY family researched by Melissa Alexander. Results show no close matches, nearest is 19/25 for family 24. The DNA database shows many people with surname Thompson that are closer matches including a 36/37 match.
139. The MAY family ancestors of Dr. Lawrence Edwards Mays, Jr. This testee only has a 12 marker test, and matches families 8, 70 and 124 10/12. Families 8 and 70 have 25 marker matches but with only a 12 marker test it isn't possible to say if this family is related.
140. The MAY family believed to be descended from Jacob May who died in 1796, although the researcher is not certain. His son, Jacob May Jr. was born in 1791 in PA and died in 1875 in Brown Ohio. Jacob May born in 1791 had John (1827), Eliza, Daniel (1819), Jacob May (1828). A genealogy of Samuel Thomas May, born July 6, 1866 in Defiance, Ohio, the grandson of Jacon May who died 1796 states "Samuel Thomas May was born on the parental farm home near Oakwood in Paulding County, Ohio, on July 6, 1866.? He was of English and Pennsylvania Dutch ancestry on the paternal side and of Staunch Irish lineage on the maternal side. His father was born near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania and his mother near Belfast, Ireland. His grandfather, Jacob May, had served in the army during the War of 1812 and as a result had obtained from the government a land grant in Ohio which probably explains the family's moving to that area. His great-grandfather had fought as an American patriot in the Revolution and the May forbears had originally landed in America (from England) in 1636." This family is 33/37 to family 25, testee 2, 24/25 to family 31, 36/37 to family 171 and family 25 testee 1 and 35/37 to families 189, 211 and 234. Also 36/37 to family 288.
Researcher Connie Sparks
141. The MAYS family descended from Thomas Mays who was born in Tennessee, and died in Alabama. He married FRANCIS SULLINS in Alabama. She was born in Alabama, and died in Alabama. In the 1880 census, Thomas states he was born in Tennessee, and both of his parents were born in South Carolina. Children of THOMAS MAYS and FRANCIS SULLINS are: i. ELIAS THOMAS MAYS, b. 05 Mar 1859. ii. JEREMIAH MCDANIEL MAYS, b. 06 Mar 1861, Marion County, Alabama; d. 24 Jun 1938, Marion County, Alabama. iii. MARTHA JANE MAYS, b. 28 Aug 1865. This family is 37/37 to family 153, 36/37 to family 252 and 36/37 to family 159 and 299. Also 35/37 to family 210. This is R1b1 haplogroup.
Researcher Frank Mays
142. The MAYES family descended from Robert Mayes. He was apparently born in the 1780's based on his first child born in 1806. His wife was Nancy (maiden name not known). His will was probated in 1843 so the researcher assumes he died that year. The reseacher has a record of him living in the area of Alabama that is close to Selma, having purchased property there from the U.S. Government in the 1820's. Ethnicity is believed to be Scots-Irish. He had 12 children. The researcher is from the line of Robert Lucky Mayes, born 04-16-1828, married Clara Ware Marshall 08-27-1851, killed at the Battle of Seven Pines, 1862. This family is only 25/37 match and not a good match to the MAYS/MAYES spelling variant. The haplotype does not match other surnames. This is R1b1c haplogroup. 11/12 match to family 227.This family is a 65/67 match to family 379. There is a 23/25 match to family 309. Good match 36/37 to family 351.
143.The MAY family, descendents of John May who was born Dec. 17, 1799 in either Pennsylvania or Delaware. By 1830 he was living in Ohio and in 1852 he and his family moved to Iowa, where he died in 1862. He married Juliana DeHaven in Springfield, Portage Co, Ohio in 1830. John and Juliana had 13 children, with only one who died in childhood, so the researcher speculates there should be many MAYs descended from this line. Information from another researcher suggests that John had a first wife, with two daughters surviving into adulthood. This researcher has some information that this may be true, but no clear documentation. This family's nearest matches are 30/37 to families 9 testee 2 and family 131. Also 58/67 to family 9 testee 2. This is haplogroup I1a. This family has a good match to family 331, 62/67. Given the different surname it could be a false positive.
Researcher Steve May
144. The MAYS ancestors of James McCurry Mays.
145. The MAYES ancestors of Carl D Mayes. This family is 36/37 to family 103, 250, 366, and 35/37 to families 72, 75, 94, 101, 115, 231, and 346. See family 101 for details on earliest known ancestors.
146. The MAY ancestors of Claude Raymond May. This family is 25/25 to Family 178 and a 12/12 to family 76. Generally 12 markers is no longer considered enough for a proper match. Also 25/25 to family 248 and family 312.
147. The MAYS ancestors of Delta Roy Mays. This family is 36/37 to families 96, 110, 306 and 119, annd 35/37 to five others in the MAYS/MAYES variant spelling. See family 101 for details on earliest known ancestors. Also 61/67 to family 72 and 62/67 to family 370. Also 65/67 to family 112, 321, 325, 334 and 362, and 64/67 to family 327. Also 66/67 to family 306 and 353.
148. The MAYE ancestors of Joe Pete Maye.Results are in, no close matches, nearest is 18/36. This is haplogroup E1a
149. The MAYES/MAYS family descendents of "Big John" Mays who married Nancy Mayes, daughter of Sherrod Mayes. See family 37. This family is 36/37 to families 96, 103, 110, 119, 306, 250 and 353, and 35/37 to 15 other families including family 37 and family 101. See family 101 for earliest known origins of this line..
Researcher Tracy Knauss
150. The MAY family descended from James Beckham May, born about 1816 and believed to be from Ireland through his son Evander (Van) May b. 15 April 1838 Warren Co., KY. This is a 25/25 match to families 14 and 26 and a 24/25 match to family 57 and a 23/25 match to family 65 and 82, and 36/37 to family 368 and 376, 35/37 to family 51 and 165 and 34/37 match to family 154. Also 34/37 to family 184. Also 33/37 to family 275 and 32/37 to family 276.
Researcher Doug May
151. The MAY/MAYES family researched by William Mills, Jr. There are 37 marker results available 28/37 match with one MAYES family, but may not be closely related. Kit 61223. A 37 marker test shows no close relation to anyone in the study at this time.
152. The MAY family descended from James May was born in Hadlow, Kent, UK in 1838. He was a plate layer for the railway. His family was caught in the middle of the plains Indian War. He subsequently returned to the UK with his wife and children. One or more of his brothers may have stayed in the USA.The researcher hasn't been able to go back further since he does not know James May's month of birth. There were 2 James Mays born in 1838 in the village of Hadlow. The researcher is descended from James' son James Henry May, born near Valentine Nebraska, USA in 1875. He served for several years in the British Royal Artillery in the South African war. This testee did not use FTDNA but used Ancestry.com so no automatic matches are available.
Researcher Stephen (Shiva) May
153. The MAYS descendents of James Mays, born abt. 1797 in NC, and died in 1876, in Searcy Co., Arkansas. He married Nervy Adams and had the following children: Charles Buell, b. 1821,TN; Margaret, b.1826, TN; Thomas,b.1826 TN; John Shelton, b.1828,TN; Ann,b.1833, Lauderdale,Co.,AL; William,b.1838, Lauderdale Co.,AL; Nancy C.,b. 1840, Missouri; Louisa,b.1843,AR; George Washington, b. 1845, AR. "History and Folklore of Searcy County, Arkansas" stated that James Mays, "whose father was John Mays...was of Irish ancestry." This is a 37/37 match to family 141 and 299 and 24/25 to family 159. Also 35/37 to family 210 and 34/37 to family 252.
Researcher Dr. Ben Morris Mays
154. May ancestors of Arthur John May. This family is 34/37 with family 150 and 165, and 33/37 to family 376, and 65/67 with family 51. Also 64/67 to family 381, and 63/67 to family 368, 62/67 to family 165 and 401, and 60/67 to family 275 and 59/67 to family 276.
155. May ancestors of Graeme Francis May. The testee's Great Grandfather came to New Zealand around 1860. The testee's father who is 91 years of age and his 88 year old brother, recall their father telling them that his father came from Canada and was part American Indian. His name was Henry Francis May. He married in New Zealand. His death certificate said he was born in San Francisco and with his age at death and other documents suggests that he was born either 1823 or 1826. San Francisco wasn't anywhere near inhabited then and his parents on his death certificate were Lewis and Clarisa May. This is haplogroup E1b1a. This is an African haplogroup. This family matches family 260 24/25.
Researcher Sheryl May
156. May ancestors of Stewart Coston May. This family is 34/37 to family 380.
157. Mayo ancestors of Jonathon Mayo. The Mayo's were from Greenville, NC back till about 1905-1910. That Mayo (Robert) & Brother owned general store in Greenville, NC and were thought to have migrated from VA maybe in the 1600's/1700's. This is a 37/37 match to family 204, 303, 315 and 205. This is a 36/37 match to families 12, 50, 109, 293 and 338, and 25/25 to families 19 researcher 4, 39, 77 and 89. This family also has matches outside and inside this study with families with surname Mayhew and Mayo. For example, 35/37 to family 262 and 35/37 to family 286, also 34/37 to family 369.
Researchers Jon and Lydia Mayo
158. May family descended from Andrew May b. 1766 d. 1836 in Ohio and his wife Catherine Tibbins. David May b. abt 1794 was their son, who married Elsah b. 1793 d.1859 in Ohio. Their son Ethan P. May b. 1829 in Ohio d.1896 in IL married Elizabeth Elder. This family is 25/25 to families 27, and 53, and 24/25 to families 33, and 46, and 36/37 to family 21 and 361, and 34/37 to family 106. Also 35/37 to family 279 and 305.
Researcher Barb Baldauf
159. Mays ancestors of John Joseph Mays. This family is 36/37 to families 153 and 210 and 36/37 to family 141 and 299 and 62/67 to family 252.
160. May ancestors of Dale May. He is 12/12 to family 3 testee 2 and 11/12 to family 3 testee 1, and 12/12 to family 64. This individual would need an expanded test to determine if he is closely related to these families.
161. Mahan ancestors of Robert D Mahan. I earlier reported this family was 22/25 to family 62, but currently it does not show up as having a match to any MAY or variant surname.
162. May ancestors of Joseph John May. No close matches. Closest is 13/25 and 14/37. This is haplogroup G.
163. The father's father of the testee was Pleasent Savannah May, born Sept. 1856 in Johnson Co. Tenn. died 12/31/1925 in Tekoa, Washington.He was the son of Jefferson May born in 10/1825 in Johnson Co. Tenn. died 1902. in Johnson Co. Tenn. Jefferson's mother was Elizabeth Martha May. born North Carolina in 1786. died between June and December,1850 in Johnson Co. Tenn. There are rumors that she was not married. We have not been able to prove this either way. Pleasant May's wife changed their sons' last name to Wilson. Nearest match is 11/12 to family 18. Otherwise nearest is 18/25 and 26/37. No matches for other surnames.
Researcher Larron Wilson
164. Mays ancestors of George Cifford Mays. Family is descended from William W. Mays, born 1797 Amherst county Virginia, died 1880 Marion Kentucky. This is 11/12 to family 113 and 12/12 to family 167.
165. The May family descended from William M. May, B. 1795 or 1805, Either in NC, GA, or TN (depending on differences given in censuses after he settled in Randolph County, AL.) He married Mary Ann "Polly" Mullins in Carroll Co, GA on 04 Feb 1832. Family reports said he died sometime betw. 1870-80 in Randolph Co., AL, and supposedly buried in Union Hill Cemetery there, but his grave has not been identified. The researcher has definite records of his family in Randolph Co., records about his sons and grandsons, and great-grandsons. Family information was that he was almost 7 ft. tall, and some May descendants had red-complexions and freckled easily. Also it was said that some even used a word or two that had an Irish connotation. Therefore, it was often said the May family were originally from Ireland. Further muddling the research, it was often repeated that an elderly aunt said her Grandpa May told her he came to America as a stowaway on a "Redcoats' ship". This family is 35/37 to family 150, 34/37 to family 154 and 376, and 25/25 to family 65 and 24/25 to family 57 and 36/37 to family 51. Also from 67 marker results, 66/67 to family 368, 64/67 to family 51, 63/67 to family 381, and 62/67 to family 154 and 61/67 to family 275 and 60/67 to family 276. Also 34/37 to family 184.
Researcher Katherine Sherrer
166. Mays ancestors of Marshall Anderson Mays. This family is 35/37 to family 111, 213, and 244, and 34/37 to families 36, 127, 187, 344 and 386.
167. Mays family descended from James Mays b.1805, married Nancy Bowyer, died Indiana. This is 12/12 to family 164 and 24/25 to family 113.
Researcher Greta Satek
168. The May ancestors of Jack Overton May. No close matches, closest is 20/37 for family 6. This is only a 3% chance of a common ancestor in 24 generations. Haplogroup is a very common one R1b1b2. I have not posted the numbers for this one.
169. The MAY family descended from Reynolds May (1777, SC or GA), Joshua May (1814, TN), Reynolds May (1851, Fannin Co., TX). See family 41 for earlier ancestors. This family is 37/37 to family 2, 181 and 395, and 36/37 to families 7, 35, 40, 41, 60, 78, 116, and 129, 35/37 to family 402, and 34/37 to family 214 and 355. Also 34/37 to family 281 and 296 and 340.
Researcher Jim May
170. The May family ancestors of William May. No close matches, nearest is 26/37 to family 18. No 37 marker matches for other surnames. R1B1 haplogroup.
171. The May family descended from Raymond May, the testee's grandfather. This family is 37/37 to family 25 testee 2 and 34/37 to family 25 testee 1. Also 25/25 to family 31, 24/25 to families 15, 61, and 140. Also 36/37 to family 189 and 211 and 234. Also 37/37 to family 288.
Researcher William May
172. The May family descended from William J. May, born about 1817 somewhere in Kentucky. He came to Hendricks County, Indiana, sometime before 30th of December, 1838, when he married Matilda Mae Pearcy in Hendricks County. He always, as far as I can determine, lived in Hendricks County and was a farmer. Matilda died and he married a second time to Margaret Reynolds Lype. He had six children by the first wife and two sons by the second wife. There is no record of his death and we do not know where is was buried. He may have been of Irish descent but that is only a guess. All census records say his parents were also born in Kentucky so they must have been there before 1800 and their parents probably came through the Cumberland Gap Wilderness Road. This family is 24/25 to family 34, 25/25 to family 38, and 36/37 to families 114 and 137 and 274, and 35/37 to family 195 and 375. Also 33/37 to family 352 and 34/37 to family 258 and 37/37 to family 319.
Researcher Marilyn Spurgeon
173. The May family descendents of Fleming Orlander Mayes, DOB about 1818, ethnicity: white, lived in Tennessee. Wife's Name: Jane Culp, The next generation ancestor: John Alexander Mayes, Born in Blount County, TN. Lived in Tennessee. Wife's Name: Nancy Newman, born in Maryville, Blount County, TN, The generation after that: James Franklin Mayes or Mays, DOB Jun 5, 1875 Knoxville, TN, DOD Mar 03, 1959, Powell Station, TN, lived in Tennessee.Wife's Name: Esther May Reed, DOB Aug 04, 1881, Newport, TN, DOD: Sept 07,1914, Knoxville, TN. This family is 36/37 to families 96, 110, 119, 306, 203 and 353, and 35/37 to families 37, 112, 120, 133, 134, 147 and 149, and 25/25 to family 73. See family 101 for details of the roots of this large group of descendents.
Researcher Amanda Mays
174. The May family descended from Bernard May who was born in Pennyslvania in 1888. His father was born in Ireland. In 1930 he left his family (the testee's father Thomas born in NJ in 1918) and was not heard from again, attempts were made to find him and there was information that he ended up in California. This family is 35/37 to family 199 and 33/37 to family 364.. Also 60/67 to a John O'May who is not part of this project. Also 61/67 to family 310.
Researcher Michael May
175. The May family descended from Cassimore May of Jonesbourgh Tenn. No close matchs at 37 markers, closest is 25/37. At 25 markers closest is 20/25, to two families not thought to be related. This is R1b1 haplogroup, no other surname matches.
Researcher Doran May
176. May family descended from Joseph May , born 1732 in South Carolina , died 1829 Pike county , Mississippi . Wives , Elizabeth Baker married 1766 , died 1771? .2nd wife (? Sarah ) Jane McLane ( McLean ) married Nov . 1782- Jan . 1783 , born ? c1755 , died before 1840 in Pike county , Mississippi . This testee is 36/37 to family 268, and 35/37 to family 24B, 19 testee 1 and 255, 33/37 to family 59, 25/25 to families 19 testee 1 and 3, and family 20, and 24/25 to family 24. Also 105/111 to family 208. Also see family 130.
Researcher James May
177. The May family ancestors of Linden May. No close matches at the 37 marker level, best is 27/37. There are three 21/25 marker matches for testees that have only done a 25 marker test. This is haplogtoup R1b1b2.
178. The May family descended from John May. A Genealogy of the Descendants of John MAY who Came from England to Roxbury in America, 1640 was published by Franklin Press: Rand Avery & Co., Boston, Mass., 1878. It was originally compiled by Samuel MAY, John Joseph MAY, Richard S. EDES, & John Wilder MAY. The book was Revised, supplemented & indexed by: John Franklin MAY in 1978. Excerpts of the 1978 book give us the information on the lineage of this researcher. John MAY, becoming a widower, emigrated to MA on the ship James in 1640, with his sons, John MAY and Samuel MAY. His son John MAY was b.1631 in England. His statement (non-cupative will) about the division of his property given 24 Apr 1670 listed his two sons, his wife, & his granddaughter, Mary. The ancestor of the researcher is his son John MAY b. 1631 (2 Sep 1632) in Mayfield, Sussex Co., England, d. 11 Sep 1671 Roxbury, Suffolk Co., MA. He m. Sarah (Bruce?) BREWER (BRUER) 19 Nov 1656 in Roxbury, Suffolk Co., MA. She was b. 8 Mar 1638 in Roxbury, Suffolk Co., MA, d. 1717 in Kingston, Plymouth Co., MA (or c1680 in Roxbury, Suffolk Co., MA). They had 8 children, including John MAY, b. 1663. There is a 25/25 match to family 146. Also 67/67 to family 248 and 64/67 to family 312. Also 104/111 to family 76.
Researcher Dennis May
179. The May family, ancestors of Bryan May. This testee only ordered a 12 marker test. He is 10/12 to families 68 and 11. These families are not thought be closely related as they are only 26/37 on the 37 marker test. So at this time it is not possible to say which family this testee matches, if any.
180. The May family descended from Robert May, a Teacher in northern Ireland from around Garvagh in Londonderry. His son was John May and was born in Ireland, and his son was Patrick Maxwell May and was born in Rhodesia in 1916. The researcher believes Robert May went to Ireland from England but can’t find any information to support this. The researcher notes that three of John May's brothers went to America & Canada in the early 1900s. This family is 35/37 to family 64 and 32/37 and 33/37 to family 3 and 348. Also 34/37 to family 373. Also 103/111 to family 3 testee 1 and 107/111 to family 297106/111 to family 363 . Also 61/67 to family 246, and 62/67 to family 349.
Researcher Peter May
181. The May family descended from Mitchell Beeler May (b. 2/7/1849 in Adair Co., KY, d. 1908), whose father was Henry May and mother Sarah Hogue. This family is 37/37 to families 7, 35, 40, 60, 78, 116, 129 and 317, and 36/37 to families 2, 84, 121, 169, 225, 240, 395 and 402, and 35/37 to family 214 and 296 and 340. Also 34/37 to family 281 and 33/37 to family 282.
Researcher Hank May
182. The paper trail for this
family is firmly established, by Selena Du Lac, descending from Sherrod
Mayes & Elizabeth Smith Mayes; parents of Thomas D. Mayes of TN; Thomas is the
father of Johnson Mayes, who is the father of James K. Polk Mayes, who is the
father of Eli Mayes, who is the father of James E. Mayes, the father of James E.
Mayes Jr, family 182. The matches for Family 182 at the 37 marker level:
Families 112 and 37 match at the 37/37 level; Families 327, 306, 325, 110,
119 match at the 36/37 level; Families 147, 321, 334 match at the
35/37 level. The matches for Family 182 at the 67 level:
Family 327 matches at the 66/67 level; Families 112 match at the 65/67
level; Family 306 and 353 at 64/67; Families 321, 325, 147, 334, 370 and 231 match at the 63/67 level.
(see Family 101 and 96 for the most distant ancestors)
only marker that seems to be off on all these families is CDY-B which is a fast
mutating marker, which has been traced to Family 182, which is me, James E.
Mayes. This information might change slightly depending on what other
information ftdna sends me on this CDY-B marker. The markers might all
move up one step.
Researchers: Anita Mayes and Selena Du Lac
183. The May family, ancestors of John Martin May.This family has a huge genetic distance to others in this study. At 37 markers the genetic distance is 42 to the closest match. There are no matches in the FTDNA database either. This is haplogroup O, which is the most common haplogroup in east and southeast Asia.
184. The May family ancestors of Eli W May. This family is 23/25 to family 57, and 35/37 to family 51, and 34/37 to families 150 and 165, 33/37 to family 376, and 67/67 tp family 401, 62/67 to family 368 and 63/67 to family 381.
185. May ancestors of Michael James Mays, Sr. No good matches at the 12 marker level, best is 9/12, but to different families that do not appear to be related from bigger tests.
186. The MAY family of Canada ca 1800 and Franklin CO AL ca 1820-1870, descendents of Samuel Watson MAY b. 1838 in AL (father born in Canada) and his uncle Charles MAY born ca 1805 in Canada to AL and TX. It is fairly certain this family came from County Carlow in Ireland in the late 18th century. This is a 37/37 match to family 1A and a 36/37 match to family 23 and 329. Also 34/37 to family 326, and 34/37 to family 383. See family 1A for more information.
Researcher Don May
187. The Mays family ancestors of James A Mays. James was born in Greene County, TN, September 25, 1933. Father: James Allen Mays, b.9/14/1909; GF, John Troy Mays, b.10/23/1882; GGF, George Cicero Mays, b.1854 (NC in Ashe or Alexander co; GGGF, James O. Mays, b.6/14/1825, Ashe County,NC. Name may have been MAY earlier. Family tradition claims Ireland as previous country but could have been English or German. Thus family is 36/37 to family 111, 213, and 244, and 35/37 to families 36, 127, 344, and 386 and 34/37 to family 166. Also 33/37 to family 314.
Researcher James A Mays
188. The May family ancestors of Thomas Peyton May. No close matches, best is 23/37 and several at 21/37. This is haplogroup R1b1b2. There are many good matches at the 37 marker level for families with the name McGonagill, Megonnigil amd other variations.
189. The May family, ancestors of Edward L. May, son of Hallie May, grandson of Burney May, g-grandson of William Garland May, g-g-grandson of Fountain May, g-g-g-grandson of Jacob May. This family is 24/25 to family 31, 36/37 to family 25 testee 2 and 288, and 35/37 to family 211 and 140 and 234, and 33/37 to family 25 testee 1. They have a 67 marker test done with no close matches so far.
Researcher Flora McCarty
190. May ancestors of Pleney Doyle May. This family is 25/25 to families 38, 114, amd 172. It is 24/25 to families 34, 137 195, 258 and 352.
191. May ancestors of Paul David Smith. This family is 35/37 to family 9 testee 2, family 222, family 131 and family 235, and 25/25 to family 54.
192. Mayes ancestors of Thomas Lee Mayes. This is a 37/37 marker match to family 193. Also 34/37 to family 223.
193. Mayes ancestors of Thomas Burnell Mayes.This is a 37/37 match to family 192. Also 34/37 to family 223.
194. Left the group.
195. The May family of Ernie May. He is the son of Luther May; grandson of James May, who married Mattie May; great grandson of both James A. May who married Zerelda May and George Wesley May who married Mahala Jane May. It is believed that James A. May is the son of William V. May, son of Joshua May. It is also believed that his wife Zerelda was the daughter of Bennett May, son of Joshua May. Researcher Sandy's note: If this is proven, Bennett is my 4th great grandfather and his brother William is my 5th great grandfather. Because of this I gave birth to my 7th cousins! It is believed that all these Mays that intermarried were descended from Joshua May. Most of them were born and died in KY around Owen, Carroll or Franklin County. Bennett and William are thought to have been bornn in VA. This family is 35/37 to family 172, 319 and 375, 34/37 to families 137,114, 258, and 274, and 33/37 to family 352, and 24/25 to families 38 and 190, and 23/25 to family 34.
Researcher Sandy Winkler
196. The MAY family descendents of George MAY of Brock's Gap, Rockingham County, VA b. 1755. See family 3 for more details. This individual is 36/37 to family 363 and 373 and 35/37 to family 3 testee 2 and Family 64 and family 348, and 34/37 to family 3 testee 1. Also 25/25 to family 246 and 34/37 to family 349.
Researcher Jeff May
197. Ancestors of Eugene Saunders. 67 marker results, but no matches to anyone of any surname at FTDNA.
198. May ancestors of Michael Clifford May. He has not yet signed the release form so his results can be matched.
199. The May family descended from Patrick May who was born in around 1857 in the townland of Knocknageeha, in County Sligo, Ireland. He probably moved to England some time between 1871 and 1878. He married Alice Moylan on 1 June 1878 in Farnworth, Lancashire. They had five children: James (Jim), Martin, Honora, Margaret and John (Jack). . On Patrick's marriage certificate he gives his father's name as John. The researcher got his townland from the 1911 census, where he gives his birthplace as "Knocknagee" in Co. Sligo. The name means "windy hill" and there are many places with that name or similar throughout Ireland. The researcher pinned it to the one in the Corran area via the Griffiths Valuation of Ireland. This was a survey of all Ireland, which happened to be working on Sligo during 1857/8. It lists one John May as a tenant at this Knocknageeha. This family is 35/37 to family 174 and 33/37 to family 364..
Researcher Paul May
200. May ancestors of David Bryant May. No close matches at this time.
201. May ancestors of Thad Anthony May. This family is 24/25 to family 87 and 33/37 to family 202.
202. May ancestors of Ronald Louis May. This family is 33/37 to family 201 and 23/25 to family 87.
203. The Mayes ancestors of Fred Mayes. This family is 36/37 to family 173, and 35/37 to families 96, 110, and 119.
204. The May ancestors of Alan May. This family is 37/37 to families 157, 303, 315 and 205, and 36/37 to families 12, 50, 109 62 293, and 338, and 35/37 to family 262 and 286, and 34/37 to family 369. Also 25/25 to 77.
205. May ancestors of Robert Morris May. This family is 37/37 to families 157, 303, 315 and 204 and 36/37 to families 12, 50, 109 62, 293, and 338, and 35/37 to family 262 and 286 and 34/37 to family 369. Also 25/25 to 77.
206. The MAY family descended from James May. It is believed that James MAY and Mary GALLAGHER had two sons, Patrick and John, born in County Down, Ireland. This family immigrated thru Maryland and Kentucky to settle in Perry County, MO about 1802. In 1833 John May and his family moved on to Lavaca County, TX; Patrick's family and descendants remained in MO. FTDNA test of a descendent of Patrick (#207760) is a genetic distance of 5 from two known descendants of John (#199123 - 19935), thus confirming suspicions that these Missouri MAYs and Texas MAYs are related.
Researcher Wanda Taylor
207. The May ancestors of Steve May. This family is 37/37 to families 157, 204, 303, 315 and 205, 36/37 to families 12, 50, 109 62, 293, and 338, and 25/25 to families 32, 39, 77 and 89, and 35/37 to family 262 and 286, and 34/37 to family 369.
Researcher Steve May
208. The May ancestors of John Bryce May.The earlist known MAY relative is John May, b. , d. , he married 2 July 1868 in Madisonville, KY to Henrietta GLASS, (Marriage Bond for John and Henrietta in Daviess County, KY). Ggrandfather is John Mitchel MAY, b. 29 Sep 1882, d. 15 Oct 1961 in Daviess County, KY, and he married Nellie Temple HUSK on 21 Jan 1918 in Daviess County, KY. Grandfather John Wilton MAY, 30 Aug 1924 in Daviess County, KY, d. 4 Oct 1992 in River Rouge, Michigan, he married 6 Oct 1943 in Daviess County, KY, Anna Sue HITE, in Daviess County, KY. My father is John Douglas MAY, b. 5 Apr 1950 in Daviess County, KY, married Margaret Alice BEAVINS This family is 64/67 to family 176, 36/37 to family 268, and 35/37 to families 24B, 19 testee 1 and 255, 33/37 to family 59 and 24/25 to family 19 testees 1 and 3, and family 20. Also see family 130.
Researcher Kathy Rosa
209.The May ancestors of Tolen Anderson May. This family is 65/67 to family 218 and 66/67 to family 224, and 109/111 to family 44. Also 35/37 with family 265. 111 marker test completed with nomatches to MAY or variant surnames.
210. The May ancestors of Roger Alden Mayes.This family is 36/37 to family 159, 35/37 to family 153 and 299, and 35/37 to family 141.
211. The May ancestors of James A Maye. This family is 35/37 to family 140 and 234, 33/37 to family 25 testee 1, 35/37 to family 189 and 36/37 to family 171 and family 25 testee 2 and family 288..
Researcher Kathy Rosa
212. The May ancestors of Dr Joel Sidney May. No matches at this time to any surname.
213. The Mays ancestors of Ray Preston Mays. This family is 67/67 to family 111, 66/67 to family 344 and 386, 37/37 to family 244, and 36/37 to families 36, 127 and 187, and 35/37 to family 166 and 34/37 to family 314.
214. May ancestors of Kenneth Nelson. This family is 36/37 to family 402, 35/37 to families 7, 40, 60, 78, 116, 129, and 181, and 34/37 to families 2, 4 researcher 2, 84, and 169 and 240, and 63/67 to family 35, 62/67 to family 121 and 61/67 to family 30.
215. May ancestors of David T May. No May surname matches at any marker level.
216. The May family descended from William Lycurgus May, who was born 2 Jul 1845 in Hamburg, Franklin CO, Mississippi, USA and died 12 Feb 1923 in Port Gibson, Claiborne, Mississippi, USA. He married Roena Emily Farr in 1867.During the Civil War a man came to the house where Lycurgus May and his mother Sarah (Sallie-Ben) Lazarus lived in or near Roxie, Mississippi and kidnapped Lycurgus and took him to a Yankee Prison Camp up north where he remained until the end of the war. He had a large family with Roena Emily Farr and gave each child forty acres apiece. His son Robert May, the researcher's great grandfather, left Mississippi for West Monroe, Louisiana with his wife Leslie Belle Gates, his sons, a daughter-in-law Georgia Etha Chambers and her son, the researcher's father (John Julius 'J.J.' May) and settled there. That is where the researcher lives now. Some of his other children left also and at least one of them (Nathaniel Farr May) went onto Oklahoma. Both Lycurgus and Roena May are buried in a cemetery on the outskirts of Hamburg, Mississippi. No matches at 25 or 37 marker levels.
Researcher Jeff May
217. May ancestors of Donald Edwin May. Don and relatives have been tested by three different comapanies but his records show the following matches."This is my May family line matching 37/37 and above on the May Family Reconstruction group. 218. William Hodge May 73/73 Tested at 67 markers at FTDNA 44. Lamar Thomas May 73/73 Tested at 25 markers at FTDNA more markers tests elsewhere. 217. Donald Edwin May 73/73 Tested at 44 markers at Ancestry.com 209. Tolen Anderson May 37/38 Tested 38 at FTDNA Tolen had Marker DYS444 tested separately because we have a one marker mutation there. 224. Chester May 37/37 Tested 37 at FTDNA Chester May is in the process of upgrading to a 67 marker test with FTDNA. He also writes "our common ancestor being John Tillman May according to the 1860 census born in Georgia about 1832. John Tillman is my and William Hodge's great grandfather and Lamar's great great-grandfather."
Researcher Donald Edwin May
218. May ancestors of William Hodge May. This family is 65/67 to family 209 and 66/67 to family 224 and 67/67 to family 44. Also 35/37 to family 265.
219. May ancestors of Brian Kenneth May. No MAY surname matches at 25 or 37 markers.
220. May ancestors of Barbara Farrar-May. No matches to May surname at 12, 25, 37, 67 or 111 markers.
221.This May family descends from John A. May (Jack) of Georgia who was born about 1830. He married Sarah Jane Evans in 1851 in Coweta County, Georgia. He had a daughter, Mariah Elizabeth(bn 1852) and a son, William Edward, born in Feb. 1856 just after Jack died in early 1856. This researcher believes that this John A. May possibly descends from the John May Sr. who died in Richmond County, Ga in 1785 and who had 4 sons: John, James, William and Joseph.. The connecting generation or generations between the John Sr. and John A. May are unknown. This family matches 25/25 with Families #19 (testee 1 and 2) and #20. It matches 24/25 with Families #24a and #59. It matches 23/25 with Family #19(testee 3). It matches 28/31 with family #24b, 29/31 with Family# 130, 28/32 with Family #81 and 38/39 with Family #208.
Researcher Susan Wood
222. The May family descended from John May, born 1809 in Ohio. He married Nancy, surname unknown. His children were Benjamin Franklin May b.1829 Catherine May b.1831 Susanna May b.1834 Perry May b.1841 Sarah J. May b.1845 Nancy J. May b.1846 Samuel May b.1846 John A. May b.1849 (the testees' Great Grandfather). Subsequent generations: (siblings not included) William Edward May Sr. William Edward May Jr. Daniel Lee May (testee) William Floyd May (testee's son). This family is 109/111 to family 9, testee 2, and family 37/37 to family 131 and 109/111 to family 280, and 35/37 to family 191 and 371, and 25/25 to family 54 and 66/67 to family 291 and 66/67 to family 356.
Researcher Daniel Lee May
223. May ancestors of Jackie Mays. This family is 34/37 to families 192 and 193.
Researcher Pam Mays Spivey
224. The May family descended from Hardy May and Nancy ? or Sarah Smith. Believed to be the Hardy May in the 1820 and 1830 census of Anson County, North Carolina. Hardy's children were Martha A. May: b. Aug 22, 1817, James A. May: b. Dec. 22, 1819, Pleasant G. May: b. Feb 25, 1822, William H. May: b. Sept 10, 1824 and Mary E. May. This family is 66/67 to family 209 and 66/67 to family 218, and 66/67 to family 44. Also 35/37 to family 265.
Researchers Chester May and Judy Allen
225. The May ancestors of Joel May. The researcher's father is James Steven May, grandfather Chester May, great-grandfather James Ollie May, great great grandfather William Linden May, and great-great-great grandfather William A. May This family is 36/37 to families 7, 40, 60, 116, 129, and 181, and 35/37 to families 2, 84, and 402 and 34/37 to families 41 and 296 and 340, and 33/37 to family 281, 108/111 to families 35, 313, and 317, 105/111 to family 121 and 30, 104/111 to family 289 and 400, 65/67 to family 292, and 63/67 to family 78, and 61/67 to family 355.
Researcher Joel May
226. Maye ancestors of Charles Cedric Maye. 12 marker test no surname matches.
227. May ancestors of Stevan Christian Mays. 12 marker test, 11/12 to family 142, but with only 12 markers not possible to say they are related..
228. May ancestors of Joseph D May. 12 marker test, no matches to MAY surname.
229.Mays ancestors of Robert W Mays. Robert W. Mays traces his lineage directly to Revolutionary War Veteran Thomas Mays (Maze). He writes "The lineage is as follows: Thomas Mays b. 1753 m. Mary Martha Hamilton 1782 d. 1830, His son Thomas Washington Mays b. 1787 m. . Hennreitta Stroble Myers d. 1873, His son James Hamilton Mays b. 1812 m. Elizabeth Arters d. 1874, His son William Middleton Mays b. 1840 m. Nancy Elizabeth Benn d. 1907 , His son Benn wade Mays b. 1887 m. Zelma Lydia Snapp d. 1953, His son my father Rexford W. Mays b.1909 m. Beulah Agnes Truax d. 1969." No matches at this time at any level to others with surname MAYS or variants.
Researcher Robert W. Mays
230. May ancestors of Frank May. 37/37 match to family 385.
231. Mayes/Mays ancestors of Newell Wadsworth Wright. This family has many matches at the 37 marker level to surnames Mayes/Mays and May.. This family is 36/37 to family 103, 35/37 to families 75, 94, 101, 115, 145, 149 and 366, 34/37 to families 96, 110 and 119. There are also nine more matches at the 33/37 level. Also 65/67 to family 250, and 63/67 to families 112, 182, 306, and 327. Also 106/111 to family 377, 105/111 to family 72, and 104/111 to family 362, 306, 370 and 389, and 103/11 to family 353, and 101/111 to family 298 and 388. See family 101.
232. Mays ancestors of Walter Baker. This family is 64/67 to family 68. No other 67 marker matches to surname May.
233. The May ancestors of John David May. This family is 37/37 to family 8, 70 and 243 and 25/25 to family 8 and 36/37 to family 261.
234. The May family descended from John May, who died about 1785 in Dover Twp, York Co, PA. His son John was born abt 1760 in Pennsylvania, and married Maria Sabina Weigel. They lived in Dover Twp until the early 1830s. After Sabina died, John moved with his son Jacob to Wayne County OH where he died in 1847. Jacob, born 1790 in Dover Twp, moved from Wooster, Wayne County to Brown Twp, Paulding County Ohio where he died in 1870. Jacob married Christina Detter, and had the following children: Elias, Daniel, Sophia, Michael, Mary, and Jacob. This family is 36/37 to family 171 and 25 testee 2 and family 288, and 35/37 to families 140, 211, 189, and 25.
Researcher Jonathan May
235. The MAY family descended from Jeorg Mey, and his son Albano both of whom were in Gelnhausen, Hessen in Germany in 1520 and 1540 respectively. It is thought the original May name was Mey and was Anglicized to May. Jeorg also used a Latinized version of the name, Majus, much like Copernicus and others. Gelnhausen was chosen as the site of the capital of the Holy Roman Empire by Frederick Barbarossa around 1180 or so, even if it was and still is a small town. Later in the line is Jacob Mäy b 1666 Kinkeim East Prussia (now Kinkajmy, Poland). His son was Christopher and Chris' son was Jacob born in NC in 1730. His son William born 1769 in WV and died in Monroe co IN 1855. William's son Solomon Arcean is the testee's great-great grand father.This family is 37/37 to families 9 testee 2, 131 and 222, and 35/37 to family 191 and 371. Also 36/37 to families 280 and 291.
Researcher Ted Emerson May
236. May ancestors of Otis F May. No matches at this time to May surname. This is R1b1a2.
237.The MAY
family descended from John May, b. ab. 1750, possibly in County Dublin, Ireland,
and his wife Mary (nee Kilty). They had five children, including Michael,
b.ab. 1775, County Dublin, who married Catherine (nee Kelly) in County Dublin on
21 Apr 1805. They had seven children, including Patrick J May, b. ab. 1819
in County Dublin. He married Anne (nee McKeon) in County Dublin.
They had four children, including Patrick J May b. 10 Feb 1868 in County Dublin.
He moved to Philadelphia in the 1880s, where some of his family remained.
He moved to Chicago where he met his wife Fannie (nee Campbell). They were
married in Chicago on 30 Jun 1894. They had one son, the researcher’s
grandfather, Edward M May, b. 26 Mar 1895, in Chicago. The family moved to
Ohio. Edward married Christine (nee Griffith) on 30 Jun 1926, in Detroit,
Michigan. They had five children. Edward died in Michigan in 1975
and Christine died in Florida in 1990. This family matches family 372
62/67. Also, a 67/67 match to 391.
238. May ancestors of Albert L May. No matches to May surname at 37 or 25 markers at this time.
239. Ancestors of Gary G Amato. Left the project with no matches.
240. The May family descended from Charles Wesley ("Charlie") May, the researcher's great grandfather, who was reportedly born in Georgia and his wife was born in Alabama. He lived most of his life in southwest Arkansas (Pike Co., specifically the Delight area) and was a sharecropper. He had some kin also in Navarro Co Texas which was where the researcher's grandfather A.D. May was born. Charlie May is buried in Delight Arkansas at Pisgah Cemetary. He died in 1933 the researcher believes. This family has a very large number of matches. 36/37 to families 7, 35, 40, 60, 78, 116, 129, and 181, 35/37 to families 2, 84, 121, 169, 225, and 402, 34/37 to families 30, 41, 214 and 296 and 340, and 33/37 to family 4 testee 2 and family seven testee 2, and family 281.
Researcher Camellia May
241. Ancestors of Craig Mark Lawson. No matches to May surname at this time.
242. The May family descended from George Marshall MAY b. 1809 Barrow Gurney, Somerset, UK d. 1887 Bristol, Gloucestershire, UK and Caroline "Ann" Hillman b. abt 1819 Congresbury, Somerset, UK d. 1901 Bristol, UK. George lived most of his adult life in Bristol as a brewer. May have been a captain in the Merchant Marine prior to 1841. Grandson William MAY 1895-1945 emigrated to PA in 1927. George's parents known to be Joseph MAY and Hannah (probably MARSHALL), birth/death information unknown. This family is 111/111 to family 393.
Researcher Alan J May
243. The May ancestors of James Michael Day. He writes "My entry is listed as Ezra Day, my grandfather, 1871-1924. (kit 259926). Born in Indiana, moved to Kansas, moved to Los Angeles. I have another relative maybe named Columbus Rice Day. I never met him but I think he might have been Ezra's brother. I vaguely remember my father saying that we should have been with a different sur name because sombody took back their maiden name several generations before I was born. I guess I'm more May than Day." This family is 37/37 to families 8, 70 233 and 261.
Researcher James Michael Day
244. The May ancestors of Harvey Mays. This family is 37/37 to families 111 and 213, 36/37 to families 36, 127, 187, 344, and 386, and 35/37 to family 166 and 34/37 to family 314.
245. The May ancestors of Barton Coles Marcey, jr. This family is 64/67 to family 135, also 34/37 and 25/25 to that family.
246. The May ancestors of Charles May. This family is 25/25 to families 3 testee 2, 64 and 196. It is 63/67 to families 3 testee 1 and 61/67 to 180, and 64/67 to family 349. Also 108/111to family 363 and 36/37 to family 373.
247. The May ancestors of Stephen May. Only match at this time is at 12 markers to a different surname.
248. The May ancestors of Marshall F. Brennan. This family is 37/37 to family 178 and 25/25 to family 146 and 64/67 to family 312.
249. May family ancestors of Stephen Douglas May. Only 12 marker matches to May surname, and all testees matched have higher resolution tests that do not match.
250. Mays family descendents of James M. Mays (1821-1866). He is possibly the oldest son of Stith Mays(e), Jr (1792-1850) & Tabitha (Morrow) Mays(e) (1797-1840). Stith & Tabitha Mays(e) had three sons, James Morrow, Alfred B. and Orson. James M. Mays was born in NC, married Irena Jones abt 1850, DeKalb County, AL. James was in the CSA 48th AL Infantry Regiment Co G and was wounded at Mannasses. Irena Mayes is on the 1866 AL census with her children and no husband. Irena married John Green Nov 30 1868. This family is 37/37 to family 103, and 36/37 to families 75, 94, 101, 103, 115, 145, 306, 149 and 366, and 35/37 to 15 other families with surname Mays and variants. See family 101 for earliest ancestors. Also 67/67 to family 370, 66/67 to family 72 and 65/67 to family 231, and 63/67 to family 112, 306, 327 and 353, and 62/67 to family 321, 325 and 334.
Researcher Frances Mays McFarland
251. May ancestors of Richard Peter May. No matches to surname MAY at this time. 25 marker test.
252. Mace ancestors of Phillip W. Mace. This family is 36/37 to family 141, 34/37 to family 153 and family 299, and 62/67 to family 159.
253. May ancestors of Duane J May. No matches to May surname at 25 or 37 or 67 markers.
254. The May ancestors of Dan Ehrle.Dan's earliest May ancestry is thought to be Henry May 1854-1930 and Josephine May 1851 (may be Josephina). Both immigrated from Germany - ended up in or near Laramie, Wyo.Wyoming, USA Census confirmed (approximately). 12/12 match to an individual named Henry Joseph May, who has only a 12 marker test and does not appear to be a member of this project, although tested by FTDNA.
255. The May ancestors of Jeff May. This family is 35/37 to families 24B, 176, 19 testee 1 and 208, and 33/37 to family 59 and 36/37 to family 268.
256. The May ancestors of Gerald William May. This family is 66/67 to family 257, 65/67 to families 12, and 64/67 to family 62. Also 62/67 to family 287. Also 35/37 to families 286 and 293, and 34/37 to family 369. Also 107/111 to family 50 and 106/111 to family 303, 104/111 to family 262, 315, 387, 384 and 390, and 103/111 to family 338 and 365. Also 25/25 to 77.
257. John Glenn Dixon(May) Sr was born 1951, in Rockford, Ill. he was adopted at the age of 1 year old and was named Dixon after his adoptive parents. His birth mother stayed in touch and her name was Luella Doris Helen Juds - Wheaton, she was born in Milwaukee, Wis. Oct. 11, 1918, died May 12, 2000, but they lived in Rockford, Illinois for a long time. She had left her husband about 1949 or 50 and have no idea where she went, but her daughter told us that she came back pregnant, had the baby they kept for a little while then adopted him out like stated before. He has good matches with about 3 May lines and would like to be able to find out more of where he came from. So far I have 2 strong matches with a Mr. Gerald William May and a William Walker May they both have a 95+% of being within the last 4 generations, a Justin Wayne May is at 94.86%. So I know those three are the closest links to finding any information. I also have an account on Ancestry, did a DNA test there, (not a YDNA test, a regular test), and have a Alan May that is within 3 generations, his father was Jeremiah May. Our haplogroup is R P-312, . This family is 67/67 to family 303 and 315, 66/67 with families 12, 50, 256 and 384, and 65/67 with families 62, 262, 338 and 365. Also 63/67 to family 287 and 35/37 to families 286 and 293, and 34/37 to familt 369. Also 25/25 to family 77.
258. May family descendants of David May born c.1820 in
Virginia. Census records state his parents also born in Va. He married Elizabeth
Mumaw in 1842 in New Market, Shenandoah Co., Va. They lived in Edinburg,
Shenandoah Co., Va. Until his death in 1877. The widow and children moved to
West Union, Dodridge Co., West Va. The children subsequently moving to eastern
Ohio after 1900.”The researcher writes: "The DNA test results solved my
brickwall and opening a new door to pathway to May families of the Bedford, Va
and surrounding counties. I can now hurdle the Rockingham County three
established May families. Either there is a fourth May family of England origin
or my gr.-gr. Grandfather David May was a “renegade” the dropped in the middle
of these other May families. Further searching will only tell.
259. The May family descended from
William May, b. ~1815 in Catawba
County, North Carolina; d. ~1875 in Gibson County, Tennessee. He was married to
Permelia Tharp December 19, 1841 in Shelby County, Tennessee. Children are James
Henry May 1846-1903; Isaac Pleasant May 1849-?; Jordon G. May 1851-1912;
Adolphus W. May 1855-1918; George “Doc” Columbus May (Great Grandfather)
1856-1895; Mary May 1858-?; Pollie Anne May 1858-1895 and Bedford Forrest May
1864-1911. The family story is that William May could have been orphaned.
Researcher Glen May
260. Walter Wilson May, son of Henry Francis May b 1869 in Lawrence, Otago, New Zealand. His father was also Henry F May b 1823? who came to New Zealand in 1860 in the gold rush. His obituary in the Tuapeka Times 1880 said he hailed from Cleveland Ohio and that he was "a man of colour". His death certificate said his parents were Lewis and Clarissa May, and that he was born in San Francisco but research tells the researcher that San Francisco wasn't inhabited in 1823 so that information seems very infeasible.This family is a 24/25 match to family 155.
Researcher Sheryl May
261. May ancestors of Charles D May.
Dawn Graham Jackson writes "Charles D May and I both descend from John (C? E? or D?) May born in North Carolina in 1818. He and his brother Samuel moved to
Researcher Dawn Graham Jackson
262. May/Mayo ancestors of William Mayhew. This family is 35/37 to families 157, 204, 205, and 207. Also 34/37 to family 109. Also 65/67 to family 257, 64/67 to families 12, and 63/67 to family 62. Also 65/67 to family 287. Also 34/37 to families 286, 293 and 369. Also 110/111 to family 365, 105/111 to family 303 104/111 to families 50 and 256, and 103/111 to family 315, 384, 387 and 390, and 102/111 to family 338.
263. May descendants of Thomas May.Thomas MAY was born about 1804, and had a brother Robert born about 1808. According to Robert’s obituary both appear to have been born in Cornwall. Both Thomas and his brother were bakers. In 1833 he embarked in the brig "Mary Ann" in either London or Plymouth, bound for Sydney Australia. He apparently was a paying passenger, not in steerage. The brother Robert and Robert's wife Mary followed to Sydney about 6 months later, where the brothers established a baking business. In 1842 the brothers had a falling out and Thomas made his way to Melbourne (along with the receipts of the business), where he married and had three children. In 1850 they migrated to New York via London, at which point Thomas disappeared. The brother remained in Sydney where he built a successful business. No matches to surname May at this time.
Researcher Chuck May
264. May ancestors of Robert May. No May matches at any level so far. I believe he has left the project.
265. May descendents of
Benjamin May from
Anson Co. North Carolina born 1 Oct 1779 and died 10 Aug 1860 in Colt, St.
Francis Co., Arkansas. His wife was Martha Jane Smith also from North Carolina
born 26 Oct 1786, died 14 Jul 1857, both are buried in Yarbrough Cemetery, Colt,
266. May ancestors of Warren May. The researcher's family is from East Tennessee. I can trace back to John May b. 1784. From family Bible, he was born in Sussex COunty Virginia, married Elizabeth Underwood and moved from VA to NC and then to TN. He was in Washington and Carter counties in the 1850 and 1860 census. He was a brickmason by trade. The only information I've been able to find on Mays in Sussex County VA is Allen May b. 1744. His father was John May who was deceased. We did find that Allen and James, a brother, were indentured after their father died. James was let out to a bricklayer so that fits. Also, John May of TN had a son and daughter, James William May and Martha Allen May. We also found what appear to be brothers in Pitt County NC in the 1800 census...James, John, Allen and Frederick. There is also Benjamin but it isn't clear whether he is their father or they are a separate family. The brothers, if they are brothers, lived side by side. This family has good matches to two families named Mayhew, but neither are part of this project. 12/12 to family 56. This family is 36/37 to family 347, which also has matches to Mayhew surname. Also 66/67 to family 374.
Researcher Warren May
267. May ancestors of Helyne M May. No May surname matches at this time.
268. May ancestors of Nathan J. May. This testee is 36/37 to families 24B, 176, 208, 19 testee 1 and 255, and 33/37 to family 59.
269. May ancestors of Scott May. No matches to May surname at 111, 67, 37 or 25 marker levels.
270. May ancestors of Thomas Daniel May. No matches at 37 or 25 marker levels.
271. Mays/Mayes ancestors of Cecil Ray Flanagan. The researcher has a 37/37 match to a Glen Kevin Mays who is apparently not a member of this project. Also 36/37 to family 119 and family 110, and 96, and seventeen more families of Mays or Mayes at resolution 33/37 to 35/37. See family 101 for earliest known ancestors.
272. May ancestors of Scott May. No May surname matches at any level.
273. May ancestors of Wayne Vincent. No May surname matches at any level.
274. The
MAY ancestors of David May. His proven line is of Albert Thomas May (b. 1902),
William Daniel May (b.1864), Gabriel May (b. 1836), Hugh May (b. 1811), Bennett
May (b. 1790), Joshua May who appears in Bedford, Pittsylvania and Henry County,
Virginia before coming to Mercer, Garrard and Lincoln Counties in Kentucky.
Joshua signed the consent for his son Bennett to marry Nancy Gibson. Joshua
May is believed to have been born in England, however, to date, no proof of this
has been found. Joshua signed the Oath of Allegience in Bedford County,
Virginia on October 24, 1777. He owned property in Pittsylvania
County, Virginia and is listed in an estate settlement of one John Marr. Others
listed in this settlement are: Caleb May, James May and John May.
275. May ancestors of Walter Thorne. This family is 62/67 to family 24B and 368, 61/67 to family 165 and 381, 60/67 to family 154, 33/37 to family 150, and 23/25 to families 14, 26, and 82. These families are matched to other families with surname May, that do not show up directly as matches because they are not close enough.
276. May ancestors of David Thorne. This family matches the same except for one additional marker off, i.e. 61/67 to family 24B. See above.
277. The May family descended
Jorg May, born in Gelnhausen, Deutschland in ~1520 and died in the same location
in ~1611. The researcher writes
"My May ancestors have been in
central North Carolina (Orange/Alamance Counties) since the late 1700s.
The first ancestor to come to the US was Johann Heinrich May (Born 1700 and Died
1780). He immigrated around 1741, and landed in Pennsylvania in 1746.
He was among the first Palatines to immigrate and ultimately relocate to North
Carolina.His son Daniel
May (Born in 1722 in Germany), came with his family (or later) and moved to
Orange County, North Carolina. He died there in 1821.
278. Ancestors of Nicolas Perrson. No matches to surname May at any level. 37 marker test.
279. May ancestors of Forrest May. The father of the researcher is Mark May 7/3/54 born in Guantanamo Cuba on US Navy base to Forrest Alan May 12/13/1932-Living and Margaret Louisa Firth (1931-1985). Forrest May born to Clyde Badger May May 20,1900 Indiana and died on March 1963 and Ruby Davis Radcliff 2/19/1901 Indiana died 11/29/1990 in Broward County Florida. Clyde Badger May was born to Andrew Jackson May 8/24/1856 Indiana died 5/29/1913 and Nancy Caroline Bobbit 8/17/1859 Indiana died 11/14/1912. This family is 37/37 to family 46, 36/37 to family 21 and family 361, 35/37 to family 158 and 305, and 34/37 to family 106. Also 25/25 to family 33.
Researcher Kristen
280. The May ancestors and descendants of Jacob May, b 1753 (probably in PA), d
1835 in Springfield Township, Columbiana (Mahoning), Ohio. Jacob married Sophia
Rummel in York (Adams) County, PA circa 1776. Jacob worked as a blacksmith in
Reading and Straban Townships, York (Adams) County, PA, and Antrim Township,
Franklin County, PA. Around 1810, the family moved to Springfield Township,
Columbiana (now Mahoning) County, Ohio. Jacob's age in 1763 corresponds to an
orphans court record for a Jacob May, age ten, son of William (deceased) and
Anna (widow), apprenticed to John Overholtz(er), blacksmith of Berwick Township,
York, PA.
281. May ancestors of James Irby. This family is 34/37 to families 2, 7, 35, 40, 60, 78, 116, 129, 169, and 181, and 33/37 to families 41, 84, 121, 225, and 240.
282. May ancestors of Joseph May. This family is 63/67 to family 35, 62/67 to family 121, 61/67 to family 30, and 33/37 to families 7, 40, 60, 78, 116, 129, and 181.
283. Mays ancestors of Randall Mays. This family is 64/67 to family 284, and 24/25 to family 113. See family 285.
Researcher Ken McPeak
284. Mays ancestors of Royal W Mays. This is 64/67 to family 283, 25/25 to family 113 and 34/37 to family 167. See family 285.
Researcher Ken McPeak
285. Ancestors of James Price. No matches to MAY surname at this time. The researcher of families 283, 284 and 285 writes "We are certain that James Price is related to Randall Mays. We also know that his direct Mays ancestor is James Dillard Mays 1785 - Pittsylvania Co., VA 1841 Green Co., KY."
Researcher Ken McPeak
286. "The May ancestors of
Ronald May moved to the Moultrie, GA area in the early 1800’s. It is believed
that Shadrach May (1764 – 1812), along with members of his extended family, were
the first May's to move to that area from Pitt County, NC. Census records
indicate that Shadrach’s wife was Nancy Meeks (1763 – 1815) and that they had 9
children (only 4 of which we have the names of). More information about
this family is available by contacting Ronald May. This family is 35/37 to
families 157, 204, 205, 207, 256, 303, 257 and 315, and 34/37 to families 12,
50, 62, 109, 293 and 338, and 33/37 to family 262."
287. Mayo ancestors of Harry Mayo. This family is 65/67 to family 262 and 365, 64/67 to family 50, 63/67 to families 257, 315 and 303, 62/67 to families 12, 256 and 384, and 61/67 to family 62 and 338.
288. May ancestors of Matthew May. This family is 37/37 to families 25 testee 2 and 171, and 36/37 to families 140, 171, 189, 211, and 234, and 34/37 to family 25.
289. May ancestors of Joseph M. May. This family is 63/67 to family 35 and 107/111 to family 317, 104/111 to family 225 and 30, 103/111 to family 400, and 62/67 to family 121 and 292, and 61/67 to family 30 and 78.
290. Manes ancestors of Donald Goodman. This testee who has joined the project has a 111 marker test, and many close matches to what may be a variant of the MAY surname. His matches are to individuals named Manes, Maness, Manous, Manis, Maynor and other variations. However, no matches to the more familiar variations, or anyone currently in the study.
291. May ancestors of William May. This family is 66/67 to family 222 and family 9 testee 2, and 65/67 to family 280 amd 62/67 to family 356. Also 36/37 to families 131 and 235, and 34/37 to family 371.
292. May ancestors of Bert May. This family is 66/67 to family 35 and 317, 65/67 to family 121 and 225, 64/67 to family 30 and 78, and 62/ 65 to family 289, and 61/67 to family 355, and between 33/37 and 36/37 to 16 other families associated with William May "the planter". See blurbs for these matching families for more information and additional matches.
293. May ancestors of Jeff McCall. This family is 36/37 to families 157, 204, 205, 207, 256 and 257, and 35/37 to families 12, 50, 62, 109, and 34/37 to families 262 and 286.
294. May ancestors of Randy Dean May. Randy writes: Father: Paul Hillard May (deceased), son of Ira Dean May. Ira, son of Jesse Franlkin May of central North Carolina. Descendents of Jorg May (Germany, mid 1500s) and within the family 277 tree as traced by researcher Deniese Chaney who has identified all male descendents with the May surname who descended from Jorg May. This family is 104/111 to family 48 testee 1, 37/37 to family 277, 35/37 to family 122, and 23/25 to family 48 testee 3.
Researcher: Randy Dean May
295. May ancestors of Richard W May. There are no matches to the most common variant spellings of the name May, but some matches to names not in this project, like Massion, Madar, Maas, and Magdovitz.
296. May ancestors of Mark Paquin. This family is 35/37 to families 7, 35, 40, 60, 78, 116, 129, and 181 and 340; and 34/37 to families 2, 84, 121, 169, 225, 240, and 292, and 33/37 to families 30 and 41.
297. May ancestors of David May. This family is 66/67 to family 349, 65/67 to family 246, , and 37/37 to family 64, 36/37 to family 363 and 373, and 35/37 to family 196 and 348. Also 110/111 to family 363, 109/111 to family 3 testee 2, 107/111 to family 3, testee 1, and 107/111 to family 180.
298. The Mayse/Mays/Mayes ancestors of Larry Mayse. This family is 106/111 to family 306, 105/111 to family 353, 104/111 to family 298, 321, 334 and 362, 103/111 to family 72 and 388, 102/111 to family 370 and 389, 101/111 to family 231, and 62/67 to family 306, 61/67 to families 112, 147, 325 and 60/67 to family 250 and 327, 34/37 to families 96, 103, 110, and 119, 33/37 to families 37, 75, 94, 115. 133, 134, 145, 149, 173, and 182.
299. The Mays/Mayes/Mace ancestors of Kathy Crusco. Kathy
writes "My Mays/Mayes/Mayse ancestors came from
Donegal Ireland in the 1720's. Joseph Mayes was born in 1722 in Ireland and died
on April 1, 1787 in Augusta, Virginia. Joseph was married to Rebecca Lewis and
had many children. One of their sons, Isaac Mayes born in 1765 in Augusta
Virgina was my 5th great grandfather. Isaac married Ruth Hicklin and they moved
to Mason, West Virginia. Most of my relations lived in the Mason, West Virginia
and Gallipolis, Ohio areas. I have been researching the
Mayes/Mayse/Mays family for approximately five years. I have extensive research
on the family from numerous genealogy trips and on-line research. I am a member
of the Daughters of the American Revolution through my Mays ancestor and I am
happy to help anyone with their research and give them access to my Ancestry.com
tree. I love the history behind all of the genealogy and have been blessed to
meet new family members along my journey as well as retrieve precious family
items, such as civil war medals, from state archives.
Researcher Hermann Trojanowski
306. Mays and Mayes ancestors of John B Mays. This family is 110/111 to family 353, and 109/111 to families 321, 334, and 362, and 108/111 to family 388, 107/111 to family 377, 106/111 to family 298 and 72, 105/111 to family 110 and 370 and 389, and 104/111 to family 231, and 65/67 to family 327, 64/67 to family 182, 63/67 to family 250, and 60/67 to family 119. This family is also 37/37 to families 96, 110, and 36/37 to families 37, 120, 133, 134, 149, 173, and 35/37 to five other families, and 34/37 to eight other families. See family 101 for earliest known ancestors.
307. The May family
descended from
John A. May b. 3 March 1824 in York Co., Pa. d. 25 Feb 1897 in Jasper Co.,
Ill. Buried in vanderhoff cemetery
Researcher Julie Berry
308. May ancestors of Daniel Aaron May. No 37 marker matches to anyone in the study at this time. Two 34/37 matches to MAYHEW for individuals not in the study. 23/25 match to family 63.
309. May ancestors of Richard Charles May. No matches to May surname at 37 markers. This testee matches surname Mabry and Mabra at 23/25. The researcher writes "We now believe his most distant paternal ancestor is Henry May b 1786 at St Pancras, Middlesex England."
Researcher Kaye Vernon
310. May ancestors of Glynn Michael May. This family is 61/67 to family 174.
311. May ancestors of Robert May. No matches to others in the project currently, but a 67/67 match to Bryan Robert May, who is not in the project.
312. May ancestors of Nigel Allen. This family is 64/67 to family 248, 64/67 to family 178, 25/25 to family 146, and 64/67 to family 76.
313. May ancestors of Ronald Reed. Although this testee has a lengthy REED genealogy, his DNA does not match REED surname but does match MAY, including 37/37 matches to families 7, 40, 60, 78, 116, 129, and 181, and 36/37 to family 395 and 402, and lesser matches to 13 other families. It shows a 108/111 to family 121 and 225, and 105/111 to family 289 and 400, and 109/111 to family 317. Also 109/111 to family 35, 66/67 to family 292 and 65/67 to family 30 and 78, and 62/67 to family 355.
Researcher Steve Kellar
314. Mays ancestors of David Bonthron. This family is 34/37 to families 111, 213, and 244, and 33/37 to families 36, 127, 187 and 386.
This line’s earliest known, not necessarily proven, ancestor is Reuben May, b.
1775-1780 in Pitt County, NC, and d. c. 1839 in Macon County, Georgia. He
married Susannah/Susan (possibly Cato) c. 1806 in NC. Their son, Stephen May
(1817- bef.1870), also married a Susan (possibly Cato). Their son, Hiram John
May (1837-1912), married Laura Franks (1844-1863) in 1859 in Autauga Co.,
Alabama. They had two sons, Harry W. May (1881-1935) and Ernest Cato May
(1862-1926); both born in Autauga Co. Alabama. Our line continues through Harry
W. May. Many thanks to our cousin Joy Knight for helping with this research.
This family is 67/67 to family 257, 66/67 to family 12, 65/67 to
family 62, 63/67 to family 287, 37/37 to
families 157, 204, 205, and 207, 36/37 to family 109, and 35/37 to family 286,
and 34/37 to family 369.
317. The MAY family
descendants of John MAY, Sr., b. 1710 in VA, d. c1800 in Anson Co., NC; James
MAY, b. ?1723, d. 1800-10 in Buncombe Co., NC; Thomas MAY, b. 7 Sep 1755 in
Caroline Co., VA, d. 25 Oct 1837 in Fayette Co., AL; George Harrison MAY, b.
1794 in Buncombe Co., NC, d. 24 Apr 1861 in Fayette Co., AL; Lewis Fennel MAY,
b. 7 Jun 1828 in Fayette Co., AL, d. 13 Sep 1883 (1885) in Winfield, Marion Co.,
AL; Willis Alexander “Bud” MAY, b. 1850 in Marion Co., AL, d. 1937 in Fayette
Co., AL.; Dallas Haden MAY, b. 1886 in Marion Co., AL, d. 1973, who was the
great-grandfather of the researcher.
322. This
family does not have Y DNA tests but wanted to be shown as part of the study.
Kit #B165597 on myFTDNA . Her lineage to the May Family is as follows:
family of Brett Mayes - the paper trail for Brett's family is firmly
established, by Selena Du Lac, descending from Sherrod Mayes and Elizabeth
Smith Mayes, parents of Thomas D. Mayes...down to Eli Mayes, who is also the
father of Onder Mayes, who is the father of Brett Mayes - Brett is a proven
first cousin to Family 182, but one fast-mutating marker - CDY-B, is off
by one, so the relationship is the following: Brett's relationship
is 66/67 to me, Family 182...but due to the CDY-B, we are one step off. Family
110, 306, 325, are all 37/37 to Brett. Family 321, 147, 37, 182, 112, 334 are
all at the 36/37 to Brett. Family 147, 112, 325, 321, 334 are all 64/67 to
Brett. Also 63/67 to family 231 and 370 and 65/67 to family 306 and 353. (see Family 101 and 96 for the most distant ancestors)
329. The May family of William May born about 1765 in County Carlow, Ireland
emigrated to Canada with his family and settled in Beckwith Township, Lanark
County, Ontario circa 1820. Two of his sons William and Thomas along with their
wives and children moved onto Fitzroy Township in Carleton County, Ontario about
1850 and settled on nearby farms. William married Ann McLaren and Thomas married
Catherine McLaren. They were sisters and the daughters of Malcolm McLaren and
Janet Fisher.
Researcher Laurel Anne Bates
330. May ancestors of Christopher May. 37 marker test, no matches to others in the study at this time.Researcher Michael Mayes
334. Mays ancestors of Samuel Mays. This family is 66/67 to family 306, and 65/67 to families 112, and 147, 64/67 to family 327, 63/67 to famaily 182, 62/67 to family 250, and 61/67. Also 109/111 to family 306, 108/111 to family 353 and 388, 107/111 to families 362 and 321, 105/111 to family 377, 104/111 to families 72 and 298, and 103/111 to families 110 and 370 and 389. Also 37 marker matches to 16 others in the study. See family 101 for oldest known ancestors.
Researcher Samuel Mays
335. May ancestors of Paul Arnold May. No matches at this time.
336. Left the project.
337. May ancestors of William S May Jr. The researcher writes "He
is supposedly descended from Daniel May born in Germany in 1722. Daniel
immigrated to Pennsylvania and moved to Orange County, NC around 1750.
This would have been my husband's 4th great grandfather. My husband's
ancestors remained in the Orange (later Alamance) County area until his father
moved away.
338. May ancestors of Michael D Shannon. This family is 108/111 to family 30 and 315, 106/111 to family 387 and 390, 104/111 to family 384, and 103/111 to families 50 and 256, 102/111 to family 262, 101/111 to family 365, 67/67 to family 62, 65/67 to families 257, 64/67 to family 12, 61/67 to family 287, 36/37 to families 157, 204, 205, and 207, 35/37 to family 109, and 34/37 to family 286, and 33/37 to family 369.. For more information on this line, see family 62.
339. Mays ancestors of Jonathon Phillips. This family is 35/37 to families 96, 103, 110, 119, and 250, plus 11 lesser 37 marker matches. See family 101.
340. May ancestors of James C May. This family is 35/37 to families 7, 35, 40, 60, 78, 116, 129, 181, 296, 313, and 317; 34/37 to families 2, 84, 121, 169, 225, 240, and 292; and 33/37 to families 30, 41, 341.
341. May ancestors of Lowell Gene May. This family is 36/37 to families 2 and 169 and 395, 35/37 to families 7, 35, 40, 41, 60, 78, 116, 129, 181, 313, and 317, and 34/37 to families 84, 121, 225, 240 and 292, and 33/37 to families 30, 296, and 340.
342. May ancestors of Steven May. No matches to May or variants at this time.
343. May ancestors of Jay May. No matches to May or variants at this time.
344. Mays ancestors of Gary Eugene Mays. This family is 67/67 to family 386, 66/67 to families 111 and 213, 36/37 to family 244, 35/37 to families 36, 127, and 187, and 34/37 to family 166.
345. May ancestors of Paul Eugene May. No matches to May or variants at this time.
346. Mayes ancestors of Keith Mayes. This family is 35/37 to families 72, 75, 94, 103, and 250, and 34/37 to families 101, 115, 132, 145, and 149, and 33/37 matches to 8 other families. . See family 101 for earliest known ancestors.
347. May/Mayhew ancestors of Jeffrey Stout. This family is 36/37 to family
266 and 37/37 to family 374, and both this family family 374 and family 266 have good matches to testees named
Mayhew who are not part of this study.About his ancestry Jeffrey writes "Like
member 56 (Scot May), I descend from John Wray May (30 Jun 1773 Virginia - 2 Jan
1857 Daviess County, Kentucky) and Sarah Waters through their son Richard L. May
(9 Nov 1799 Nelson County, Kentucky - 1872 Daviess County, Kentucky).
Richard L. May was one of the first merchants to sell goods in Owensboro,
Daviess, Kentucky according to the obituary of his son James (1831 Daviess
County, Kentucky - 4 Jun 1898 Owensboro, Daviess, Kentucky) and has a
biographical sketch on page 746 in "History of Daviess County, Kentucky" from
Chicago: Inter-State Publishing Co., 1883. John Wray May's line is
believed to descend from John May Jr who was Clerk of the Vestry in Bristol
Parish, Virginia and written about in Ben H. Coke's book "John May, Jr. of
Virginia: His Descendants and their Land."
Researcher Jeffrey Stout
348. May ancestors of Dwight May. This family is 37/37 to families 3 testee 2, 36/37 to families 3 testee 1, 363 and 373, 35/37 to families 64, 196, and 297, 33/37 to family 180.
349. May ancestors of Frederick Wilkinson. This family is 66/67 to family 297, 65/67 to family 363, 64/67 to family 3 testee 2, and family 296, 62/67 to family 180, 36/37 to family 64, 35/37 to family 373, 34/37 to family 196, and 24/25 to family 348.
Researcher Amy
350. May ancestors of James Christopher May. 67 marker test, no good matches at this time. Surnames matched include Moyer and Myers.
351. Mayes ancestors of William Mayes. This family is 36/37 to families 142 and 379.
352. May ancestors of Michael May. The earliest known ancestor of this family
is Caleb May b 1781 NC died April 1827 Floyd Co Kentucky. He
married Margaretta Patrick
353. Mayes ancestors of Matthew Mayes. Oldest known ancestor is Henry Sherrod Mayes born 27 Oct 1709 in Brunswick County VA. died 10 May 1786 in Henry County VA. This family is 67/67 to family 306, 66/67 to families 112, 147, and 65/67 to family 327, 64/67 to family 182, 63/67 to family 250, 37/37 to families 96 and 110, and 36/37 to families 37, 120, 133, 149, and 173, plus 11 other lesser matches to May surname equivalents at the 37 marker level. See also family 101, thought to be the oldest known ancestor for this large group of May, Mays, Mayes and Mayse related members. Also 110/111 to family 306, 108/111 to family 321, 334, and 362, 107/111 to family 388, 106/111 to family 377, 105/111 to families 72 and 298, 104/111 to family 370 and 389, and 103/111 to family 231.
354. May ancestors of Luis Roberto May. No matches to May or variations at this time.
355. May ancestors of Joe Degan. This family is 62/67 to families 35, 78, 313, and 317, 61/67 to families 121, 225, and 292, 60/67 to family 30, 34/37 to families 2, 84, and 169, and 33/37 to nine other families with the May surname.
356. May ancestors of Mark Moore. This family is 62/67 to family 291, 61/67 to family 9 testee 2, and 60/67 to families 222 and 280. No 111 marker matches at this time.
357. Mayes ancestors of Jerry Mayes. No matches to May, Mays or Mayes at this time.
358. Mayes ancestors of Charles Mayes. This family is 66/67 to families 112, 306, and 353, 65/67 to families 147, 321 and 334 and 362, 64/67 to families 182, 231, 250, 327, and 370 and 63/67 to families 72 and 298.
359. Mays ancestors of Edward Mays. This family is 66/67 to families 147 and 334, and 65/67 to families 306 and 353, and 64/67 to families 112, 321, and 358, and 63/67 to family 327, 61/67 to family 370, plus five other lesser matches.
360. May ancestors of Lloyd Turner. This family has 35/37 matches to families 44, 209, 218, and 224, and 34/37 match to family 265. With only a 37 marker test it is possible these are false positives.
361. May ancestors of Andrew May. See family 21 for ancestry. This family is 67/67 to family 21, 66/67 to family 305 and 399, 36/37 to families 46, 158, and 279, and 35/37 to family 106.
362. Mayes ancestors of Billy Mayes. This family is 109/111 to family 321 and 306, 108/111 to family 353, 106/111 to family 388, 105/111 to family 377, 104/111 to families 72, 231, 298 and 389, 103/111 to family 370, 66/67 to family 306, and 65/67 to families 112, 147, and 358, with many lesser matches to this very large family grouping. Also see family 101, thought to be the oldest known ancestor for this large group.
363. May ancestors of Jonathan May. This family is 37/37 to family 373, 36/37 to 64, and 196. Also 110/111 to families 3 testee 2 and 297, 108/111 to families 3 testee 1 and 246, 107/111 to family 334, 106/111 to family 180, and 65/67 to family 349. Also 36/37 to family 348.
364. May ancestors of Brian Lederbrand. This family is 33/37 to families 174 and 199.
365. May ancestors of Byron Morris. This family is 110/111 to family 262, 104/111 tp family 303, and 103/111 to family to family 50 and 256, 102/111 to family 315, 384, 387 and 390, and 101/111 to family 338, 65/67 to families 257, 287, and 64/67 to family 12, and many lesser matches to this large group. Also 34/37 to family 369.
366. Left project
367. Mays ancestors of Jessica Namath. Jessica writes " My mother’s maiden name is Mays and I’ve traced us back to the Reverend William Mease/Mays, who arrived in Virginia around 1609 and was reported by John Rolf as the first minister at Kecoughton, now known as Hampton. I’m currently working on becoming a member of the Daughters of Founders and Patriots. I’ve confirmed through DNA my relation to William Mayes, born 1759 in Stafford, Virginia as recorded in Overwharton Parish; died September 27, 1811. My mother’s paternal line follows as such, beginning with her father: Harold Mays, Samuel Mays, Van Thomas Mays, Taswell Mays, Robert Mays, William Mays, Robert Mayes, John Maise Jr., John Mays Sr., Daniel Mays, John Maies, Reverend William Mease." Test kit delivered March 10, 2020. Has not been returned.
Researcher Jessica Namath
368. May ancestors of Andrew May. John May born 1760 in Essex County Virginia ( with brother William May b 1764 in Essex Co, VA and brother James May b 1778 in VA) all documented with pension records. Note that Thomas May’s pension does not state these brothers, but John May’s pension states that William is his brother.;John May b 1760 sons were: Leroy May b 1784 in Henry County VA; William May b 1785 in Henry Co VA; Peter May b 1787 in Henry Co VA; George May b 1791 in Henry Co VA.;Leroy May b 1784 sons were: Washington Taylor May b 1810; Gibson Davis May b about 1814; Bolivar May b 1828 or 1832 in Winchester, Franklin County, TN.;Bolivar May b 1828 or1832 sons were: Bolivar May Jr b 1873 in Arkansas; Andrew J. May born 1875 in Ark. or Texas; Henry May b 1880.;Andrew J. May b 1875 sons were: Oliver Earl May b 1911 d 1957; Archie Andrew May b 1913 d 1971; Andrew Glenn May b 1917 d 1952; Virgil Howard May b 1919 d 1924.Test taker is the son of Oliver Earl May b 1911 (born as Dallas Bolly May in Cheyenne Wyoming-his name was changed to Oliver Earl and he went by Earl )This family is 105/111 to family 381, 104/111 to family 401, 66/67 to family 165, 65/67 to family 24B, 63/67 to family 154, 62/67 to family 184 and 275, 36/37 to family 150, 35/37 to family 376, and 33/37 to family 276.
Researcher Vicki May
369. Mayo ancestors of Douglas Mayo. This family is 34/37 to families 157, 204, 205, 207, 256, 257, 262, 303, 315, and 365, and 33/37 to families 12, 50, 62, 109, and 338.
370. Mayes ancestors of Ronald Mayes. This family is 109/111 to family 377, 108/111 to family 72, 107/111 to family 110 and 389, 105/111 to family 306 and 104/111 to families 231, 353 and 388, 103/111 to families 321, 334 and 362, and 102/111 to family 298. Also 67/67 to family 250, 64/67 to family 358, 63/67 to families 112, 182, 306 and 327, 62/67 to families 147, and 61/67 to family 359.
371. May ancestors of Billy Wray. This family is 36/37 to family 280, and 35/37 to families 9 testee2, 131, 222, and 235, and 34/37 to family 291.
372. May ancestors of Gregory William May. This family matches family 237 62/67, and also 62/67 to 391.
373. May ancestors of William May. This family is 37/37 to family 363, and 36/37 to families 3, testee 2, 64, 196, 246, 297, and 348, and 35/37 to families 3 testee 1, and 349, and 34/37 to family 180.
374. May ancestors of Andrew May. This family is 66/67 to family 266, and 37/37 to family 347.
375. May ancestors of Patrick May. This family is 35/37 to families 114, 172, 195 and 319, and 34/37 to families 274, 258, and 352.
376. May ancestors of James May. This family is 36/37 to family 150 and 381, 35/37 to families 24B and 368, 34/37 to family 165, and 33/37 to families 154 and 184.
377. Mayes ancestors of Loyd Mayes. This family is 110/111 to family 72, 109/111 to families 110 and 370 and 389, 107/111 to family 306, 106/111 to families 231 and 353, 105/111 to families 321, 334, and 362, and 104/111 to family 298 and 388.
378. May ancestors of Samuel May. (Person tested listed as John R. May.) This family is 107/111 to famiies 176 and 208, 36/37 to family 268, and 35/37 to families19 testee 1, 24B, 59, and 255.
379. Mays ancestors of Homer Mays. This family is 65/67 to family 142, and
36/37 to family 351. Family is descended from William Mays , born about 1770
(census states he was born in Ireland)
Researcher Homer Mays
380. May ancestors of Vincent May. This family is 34/37 to family 156.
381. May ancestors of Jim May. This MAY family are descendants of Calvin
Bates May, son of John MAY. John was b. c1787 in TN, d. c1853 in Taney or Newton
Co., MO who m. Mary FORD c1818. She was b. c1793 in TN, KY, or MO, d. 1866 in
Taney Co., MO.
383. May ancestors of Gary Francis May, descendants of Henry “Harry” May (b.
1770 in Ireland), and his Ireland-born son, Samuel (b. 1811), lived in
Northumberland County, Murray Township, on Lake Ontario, in the province of
Ontario. Sam’s second marriage certificate indicated his place of birth as
County Carlow. Henry’s brother, Samuel, is believed to have lived in Carlow
before he came to Canada. This family is 108/111 to family 1A, 63/67 to family
329, 61/67 to family 326, 34/37 to family 186, 33/37 to family 23, and 23/25 to
family 1B.
Researcher Brian May Martinez
395. May ancestors of Jerry Dean May. This family is 37/37 to families 2 and 169, and 36/37 to families 2, 7, 35, 40, 41, 60, 78, 116, 129, 181, 313, 317, and 341, plus 24 lesser matches.
396. May ancestors of Daniel B May. No matches to May or variants at this time.
397. May ancestors of Robert Wayne May. No matches to May or variants at this time.
398. May ancestors of Douglas Mihin. This family matches family 372 107/111, but does not match others that 372 matches.
399, May ancestors of Aaron May. This family is 109/111 to family 305, 106/111 to family 21, and 66/67 to family 361.
400. May ancestors of Stephen Billy May. This family is 107/111 to family 35, 106/111 to family 317, 105/111 to family 313, 104/111 to families 121, 225, and 30, and 103/111 to family 289.
401. May ancestors of Caleb May. This family is 106/111 to family 381, 104/111 to family 368, 67/67 to family 184, 64/67 to family 24B, 62/67 to family 154, and 61/67 to family 165.
402. May ancestors of James Hollis. This family is 36/37 to families 7, 35, 40, 60, 78, 116, 129, 181, 214, 313, and 317, and 35/37 to families 2, 4 (researcher 2), 84, 121, 169, 225, 240, 292, and 395.